Category "material-design"

How to inflate custom layout in Material tooltip of a Material slider in Android?

I was trying to achieve something similar to the below image by manipulating the Material tooltip inside the Material slider. I was able to achieve something s

How do i configure makeStyles hook in material-ui with a custom jss insertion point?

I have a react component which i have wrapped & released as a web component. However all style-sheets created using makeStyles hook are not getting applied

MUI: The `styles` argument provided is invalid after upgrading from material v4 to v5

I recently upgraded from Material V4 to V5 and I'm now getting the following error: MUI: The `styles` argument provided is invalid. You are providing a function

Change the mat-autocomplete width?

It seems like the <mat-autocomplete> width is always the width of the input we're typing in. Is there no way to make it larger? I have a very small input

How to stop <mat-expansion-panel> from triggering with spacebar?

I have a mat-accordion with a textarea box in the panel-description. When I am tying in the text area and hit spacebar it opens/closes the panel. How can I stop

Flutter Icons 3 dots

Does the material library of Flutter have the 3 dots icons Icon(Icons.three_dots_overflow),

Is it possible to make an md-button smaller?

I want my buttons showing left- and right arrow and NOW text to be as small as possible. How do I do that? <div ng-controller="DateCtrl" layout="row" flex&g

Adding Material effects to java swing

I am trying to make a Java Swing application using NetBeans 8, and I was wondering if there is any possible way I could apply materialize effects to my Java Swi

How to add Toolbar on Translucent imageview

I need to know, How we can create an toolbar on this imageview just with back button(getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);). Here is the exampl

Activity Transition animation in a ListView in Android Lollipop with Material Design

I am using a Master/Detail pattern and currently moving to Android Lollipop. I want to have one of the new activity transistions if I click on a item in my List

How to remove ripple effect from MaterialCardVew?

How can I disable touch ripple effect of MaterialCardView? Setting clickable attribute to false or playing with foreground and background attributes had no effe

TextInputLayout Material Component Issue : The style on this component requires your app theme to be Theme.MaterialComponents (or a descendant)

I am having a problem implementing a Material design with TextInputLayout, I know the solution is to make your activity theme inherits one of Material Component

OutlinedBox for TextInputEditText is not working

I am working on login screen where I want to implememt material edit text with following view : Following is my code : <

How can I set duration of a snack-bar in angular2 (material2)

This example stays forever on the screen: snack-bar-demo.ts import {Component, ViewContainerRef} from '@angular/core'; import {MdSnackBar, MdSnackBarConfig}

How to use input type file in angular material

How to use input type file in angular material Hi, I am using angular material for designing. when i go on angular material site there no input type file eleme

From Bottom Sheet to full screen Scaffold in Flutter

I would like my app have a model bottom sheet. The bottom sheet is shown only when user click a button. The bottom sheet first take up around 0.5 or less of the

Create backdrop of Material Design for Angular [closed]

I'm starting a new project with Angular 13 and Angular Material. I want to use a Backdrop element like it is defined in Material Design (Mater

AppBarLayout Background

I want to do this, In the preview of Android Studio looks good but in runtime I get this As you can see at begin of the screen the color is white, I want t

Material Date Picker title is out of place

I'm having this weird issue when using MaterialDatePicker. While it works, the title and current date are not displaying as they should. Any ideas on what is ha

Android "elevation" not showing a shadow

I have a ListView, and with each list item I want it to show a shadow beneath it. I am using Android Lollipop's new elevation feature to set a Z on the View tha