Category "material-ui"

NextJS scroll into view of specific component upon button OnClick that exists on a different js file

I'm using NextJS and I have my components on different js files that come together under one js file on my "pages" folder (index.js). What I want to be able to

React MUI: theme color custom prop not applied

I have 2 themes, dark mode and light mode: import { styled, alpha, ThemeProvider, createTheme } from '@mui/material/styles'; //I use the dark theme only const

MUI v5 : How to pass css classes to components using className prop? Also I want to use theme in those classes?

MUI v5 : How to pass css classes to components using className prop? Also I want to use theme in those classes? I was trying to do it using styled in MUIv5, bu

Material UI Lab v5: How to style DateRangePicker calendar?

I'm using the DateRangePicker component from @mui/lab (v5.0.0-alpha.62) and I want to add a border around the calendar to make it stand out more from the backgr

TextField not editable due to Uncaught TypeError: is not iterable

I am pulling data from an API and appending it to TextFields where it is displayed. I need to be able to edit the data displayed in TextFields, but I a get thi

How can i style conditionally one row in material-table

I would like to style on row based on a certain props of one row, here is the code : <MaterialTable className="ciao" title="One Detail Panel

Material-UI DataGrid: How do I add a tooltip to each row cell?

I could not find anything related to this in the react material ui datagrid documentation here. I noticed you can add tooltips to columns via a "description" fi

How to create custom CSS classes using MUI v5 theme?

I am using MUI v5 in my application along with react-d3-tree which renders SVG tree charts. It offers an API to include custom CSS class names in the <path&g

Problem Upgrading React application - material UI v4 to v5

I have this problem upgrading my react application. Basically, I followed the damn mui-v5 documentation, and I still have some erros in my app.tsx file. import

Tooltip MUI and React testing library

I'm trying to test an Info HOC on my react app : const InfoHOC = (HocComponent) => ({ message }) => ( <> <Tooltip title={message}>

Error while using withStyles in mui version 5

I have problem in mui/material v5.0.4 and ts v4.4.4 while using withStyles method. I get this error for using AntSwitch component: 'AntSwitch' cannot be used as

How to stick the last column and add scrolling effect?

I want to stick last column and add scrolling effect in react mui table. I want last column to stick and previous 2 3 column will be scrollable. I have used mat

React Material UI v5 TypeScript extend component type

How to extend MUI component type with props and add extra props with minimum imported stuff? If possible without giving types to props, only to component itself

Unable to fix popper placement in autocomplete

I am using the <Autocomplete /> component of Material-UI and I have a situation where I want my drop-down to always appear at the bottom. Therefore I did

React Material Table : onRowAdd not refreshing

I am using Material Table for displaying table data. Using onRowAdd, I am able to add a new row but the page is not refershing. It reloads and get stuck then I

MaterialUI - 'StylesProvider' cannot be used as a JSX component

I have an app written in React with TypeScript and lately after refreshing node modules and the lockfile I am getting this error when trying to run the app: Typ

How can communicate between my generic modalform and my form in reactjs to validate the form?

I add reactjs component in my existing project I create a generic modalform and generic forminput component with material-ui. I create 3 differents form for my

White space below MUI Grid container (which is not a padding or margin)

How can I avoid the extra white space below a nested MUI Grid container with dynamic and fixed size items (in a clean way) ? I am interested in the "correct" MU

How can I keep an absolute div from disappearing when the parent collapse is collapsed? (Material-UI)

I have a Collapse element with a button that is absolutely positioned outside of the collapse. Basically, the collapse sits off to the right of the screen, with

material-ui fab href does not add baseurl

In a React 16 application that uses material-ui. I have this FAB <Fab color = "primary" aria-label = "Add" className = {classes.fab} size = "small" href