Category "maven-surefire-plugin"

Maven surefire plugin + JUnit5 dynamic tests - how to override test naming?

Assume we have a JUnit5 dynamic test like this: public class ProbaTest { @TestFactory public Iterable<DynamicNode> tests() { return Collec

maven jacoco plugin reports always show 0% of coverage

JaCoCo reports always shows 0% of coverage but Intellij integrated report is ok. I already see others StackOverflow questions but none helped. Below is my jacoc

Maven not running JUnit 5 tests

I'm trying to get a simple junit test running with maven but it is not detecting any tests. Where am I going wrong? The project directory Project -> src ->

Set the test name for DynamicTest

I'm leveraging the DynamicTest functionality of JUnit 5.3.0-M1 and there's a showstopping point I can't seem to figure out with regards to the test name. My ex

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M4:test (default-test)

I am facing this issue with maven-surefire-plugin 3.0.0-M4 and Maven versions 3.6.3, 3.6.0 and 3.3.9 with jdk1.8.0_222 (Ubuntu 18.0.4). My pom.xml is as follows

What's the default value for maven-surefire-plugin's forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds?

forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds can be set to 0 in order to prevent forked test VMs from being assumed dead after the specified time. What's the default value for

Append the value of argLine param in maven-surefire-plugin

I am using maven-surefire-plugin + Sonar together and I would like to add some extra value to argLine parameter of the maven-surefire-plugin. So I did it: <

Maven doesn't execute any unit test

I am using Maven with multi-modules. There are 3 projects. foo(the parent project) foo-core foo-bar I configure all the dependencies and plugins in foo's pom