Category "mediastore"

How use File("/sdcard/myfile") without READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE on android 11?

After my Application have been refused by the play Store I have to remove MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to the manifest. This authorisation is only for app like antiv

MediaStore API is unable to fetch the folder which is already created before Clear Data of the Application

To support Android 11 storage, I have implemented Scoped Storage - MediaStore API successfully. However, I ended up with one scenario which I am not sure how to

How can I access to a folder with .nomedia file using Media Store APIs?

I'm trying to access media files using Media Store APIs , but I'm facing with a specific issue: I can scan all the audio files apart all the audio files belong

Adding metadata tags (like title, artist, album) to audio file not working (Android MediaStore)

I want to create an audio file and set the title, artist and album tags of the song using Android MediaStore. Creating the file works but unfortunately the tags

Android Studio - Trying to Read MP3 FIles from the Music Directory on Android Device

I have a function below that I got from a post on here, where I am trying to read the music files from the device. public List<AudioModel> getAllAudioF

Google Play App Rejection - Not a core feature - Use of All files access

I have an application on play store to whom the targetSdkVersion is update to 30 from 29, which is getting rejected again and again by Google Play after an upda