Category "memory"

Java using much more memory than heap size (or size correctly Docker memory limit)

For my application, the memory used by the Java process is much more than the heap size. The system where the containers are running starts to have memory prob

What is the purpose of std::launder?

P0137 introduces the function template std::launder and makes many, many changes to the standard in the sections concerning unions, lifetime, and pointers. Wh

Private Data in VMMap is very large on some machines

I'm trying to debug a memory exhaustion issue for my native Win32 CPP app, so far i have found that on some machine when launched, app the memory usage is very

memory.limit() bug: "memory.limit() is not longer supported". Increasing memory

When I write "memory.limit()" I get the following bug: memory.limit() [1] Inf Warning message: 'memory.limit()' is no longer supported What I need is to incre

How do I set the maximum php memory limit

How should I set 10GB of memory_limit? Should I display it as memory_limit=10G or memory_limit=10240M

Memory Mapped File location

I am trying to search a list of 268 000 words. The idea is to check whether a word that the user inputs exists in that list. I have accomplished this using a si

How to benchmark memory usage of a function?

I notice that Rust's test has a benchmark mode that will measure execution time in ns/iter, but I could not find a way to measure memory usage. How would I imp

How do I get the size of a ruby object in mb in Rails?

I want to query an ActiveRecord model, modify it, and calculate the size of the new object in mb. How do I do this?

MemoryError: Unable to allocate 1.88 GiB for an array with shape (2549150, 99) and data type object

I have a problem. I want to normalize with pd.json_normalize(...) a list with inside dict but unfortunately I got a MemoryError. Is there an option to work arou

Fortify's denial of service problem in stringbuilder in java

Fortify client gives the error and recommendations for string builder, problem code: StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append(request.getParameter("i

PE Section Flags

For example Characteristics of section .text is 60000020, seems that is IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE 0x00000020 IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE 0x20000000 IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 0

How do I read a large csv file with pandas?

I am trying to read a large csv file (aprox. 6 GB) in pandas and i am getting a memory error: MemoryError Traceback (most recent

Python 'Out of memory' when opening image

import pygame from pygame.locals import * \ image = pygame.image.load('.\\w.jpg') I'm trying to load an 59MB jpg file and it fails saying 'Out of memory' I'm

Binary Exploitation - ASLR

This is more so just a general question about how ASLR actually prevents Buffer Overflow. The statement I keep seeing is that it randomises the address space of

Concatenating PDF files in memory with PyPDF2

I wish to concatenate (append) a bunch of small pdfs together effectively in memory in pure python. Specifically, an usual case is 500 single page pdfs, each wi

In a CUDA kernel, how do I store an array in "local thread memory"?

I'm trying to develop a small program with CUDA, but since it was SLOW I made some tests and googled a bit. I found out that while single variables are by defau

How to analyze golang memory?

I wrote a golang program, that uses 1.2GB of memory at runtime. Calling go tool pprof results in a dump with only 323

Javascript classes vs objects, pros and cons?

In my most recent javascript program (which is mostly for fun and proof-of-concept than anything else) I have a lot of different kinds of objects and of each ki

Alignment Rules

I'm having a bit of trouble with a homework problem, and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. Suppose we are compiling for a mac