Category "mermaid"

How to add this type of node description by Mermaid?

This is a flowchart pattern that I really like to use and I currently use drawio to draw it: Notice that there are two kinds of descriptions in the flow chart

Mermaid Subgraphs Laid Out Inconsistently

I'm using Mermaid to create a flowchart with subgraphs. This works okay, except the layout works differently than I expected. With an LR layout, the subgraphs a

How to stop links from covering subgraph titles with Mermaid graphs?

I'm using Mermaid in Obsidian and Wordpress. In both, the following short diagram has the connecting arrows covering the title: Is there any way to fix this wi

How to make the specified nodes horizontally aligned in Mermaid?

This is my flowchart: graph TB aaa ---> bbb ---> ddd & ccc ddd -.-> fff ccc --->|eee| fff fff ---> hhh & ggg & kkk

Can I control the direction of flowcharts in Mermaid?

graph LR A-->B-->C-->D-->E-->F; graph TD A-->B-->C-->D-->E-->F; I like to draw simple diagram using Mermaid. But it seems that f

Using ‎Mermaid in angular project

I'm beginner at ‎Mermaid and I'm trying to use ‎Mermaid in my angular project. I add it in my html and it works. <script src="

Mermaid change position of nodes / options Anyway to fix nodes' position

I'm trying to draw a flow chart in html. The flow must be configured as below. I've tried it in Mermaid like this <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.

Change font of text on links in graph Mermaid

I want to change the font (color, size...) of the text on the link (Change_font), but I am not able to figure out. Can someone help? <script src="https:/

Mermaid diagram line break

I cannot find how to insert a line break in long titles inside nodes. For example: library(DiagrammeR) mermaid(" graph TB A[GE Solution]-->C{ } B[

Spaces in Mermaid

I have a .md file saved and I am viewing it using Atom and the Mermaid Preview package. I am going off the example on their GitHub page: graph TD; A-->B;

Mermaid - How to connect subgraphs in markdown?

I'm using Mermaid in markdown. I can't figure out how to connect subgraphs. Given the program below, I need to be able to connect one and two with an arrow. -

Mermaid - How to set the labels style for flowchart nodes

I need to change the style of the flowchart nodes. I've managed to set the background color and the outline: style s1 fill:#0000,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px H