Category "meta-tags"

Add an OpenGraph tag in WooCommerce single product pages

I have to add Product SKU to Woocommerce metatags product page (Facebook OpenGraph). I've tried to add global $product; echo "<meta property='og:id' content=

how can i make og:url meta tags work in node js

I'm trying to share articles with facebook, this is my code: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta property="og:url"

Open Graph data does not display on Discord

I was browsing my websites and i have noticed that the Open Graph data on one of my sites was no longer displaying on discord. I have tried to change <meta p

How to disable google web light for the website

When i am opening my website in slow internet connection then google provide google web light feature then website loading faster. But website is not properly a

Twitter URL Preview Card Not Showing Image

I'm trying to get <meta/> tags set up on my website so that social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter show a preview card when posting a link to my

<meta charset="utf-8"> vs <meta http-equiv="Content-Type">

In order to define charset for HTML5 Doctype, which notation should I use? Short: <meta charset="utf-8" /> Long: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" c