Category "metal"

When exactly is drawInMTKView called?

MetalKit calls drawInMTKView when it wants a your delegate to draw a new frame, but I wonder if it waits for the last drawable to have been presented before it

Linking a Metal library at compile time

I have a Metal library (file ending in .metallib) and I would like to link it in another project. My issue is that no matter how is specify the -L and -l flags

MacOS Metal: Failing to capture GPU Frame from command line app

I'm trying to programmatically capture GPU frames using MTLCaptureManager in a command line application. So far, the capture manager fails to support the MTLCap

Metal kernel function not found

I am trying to use Metal Performance Shaders with Core Image. Unfortunately, the filter code is in Objective C and I am using the bridge to make it work with th

Unity Metal: Compute shader has 1024 threads in a thread group which is more than the supported max of 512 in this device

I'm compiling a code for unity ios build and keep getting the following error Metal: Compute shader has 1024 threads in a thread group which is more than the s

ARView counterpart to SCNView's SCNTechnique?

I have made project with ARKit that uses metal shaders to perform a mirroring effect, and this is assigned by using sceneView.technique. I am trying to figure o

SceneKit Cocoa snapshot failed assertion

I am working on a Swift/Cocoa/Xcode application. This application contains a SceneKit View. The rendering API is set to Default (I think this is Metal). If I