After i upgraded Flutter i followed all the steps for migration code and now i get this error, can't use to .Copy. class ImageInput extends StatefulWidget { f
ok, so, I was doing this before and its working: let array = []; if (blablabla) array = ["foo","bar"]; else array = ["this", "that"]; FunctionImUsing(array) An
Golang 1.18beta supports generic, I want to add an extension method on a generic slice. e.g. a map function is defined as this: func Map[E, V any](slice *[]E, i
We are running phpstan on a laminas project and running into errors. As an example, in the controller we have some standard code which works fine. $request = $
I am wondering how/if I could possibly break this up into multiple classes but keep the values across objects to pass between both. I am unable to get things wo
I'm working on an exercise, where I need to create a subclass that has 2 constructors (1 is empty and sets the values as 0 the other one is getting the values.
Is there a corresponding "@Deprecated" annotation-syntax for methods in .aidl files? I want to mark a method as deprecated, add a new method and promote the use
I'm struggling on this problem, given that I'm probably making a basic mistake or I haven't got a clue what I'm doing. platform being a Zybook the problem rea
I would like to make one method like this: public void SomeMethod(int myInt,<float or double or MyClass> myFloatorDoubleorMyClass) { } And not only with
I understand it's because the program thinks I'm dividing by O, but I'm not sure how to fix it in the program. The program works fine, though. It outputs the av
I am creating a method that takes a percent as a parameter and decreases the price by that percent. public void lowerPriceBy(double percent){ price = price/
I have a method but doesn't have a parameter, for example def goodbye puts "" puts "Thank you, #{name} for using our service." puts "Good luck with
I'm developing Wordle in C++ using a .net graphic interface with visual studio. I have a file.h that contains a class "WordDatabase", and I need to use one of t
I am trying to get auto completion of method parameter names for class instances but can't quite figure it out. Take this example class: class Abc: def meth
While I was trying to grasp reactivity fundamentals and its syntax I've encountered following problem. Consider this snippet: const app = Vue.createApp({ dat
I'm writing an application that retrieves data from a table in a MySQL database and displays it in a JTable. Whenever an insert/update/delete operation is made
Does the .includes method cause O(n^2) when run with another loop such as in this simple example? function myFn(){ let age = => {
I am a first year studying app development and I have a login and registration assignment. But Im struggling to make a method where it checks
I know I can find a list of mutator methods on MDN, still, in practice I always forget if methods like push() or reverse() mutates the original array or creates
My question is simple. What method can I use to tell my program that a button is pressed? I'm trying some codelines but its not really working (I tryed with isP