Category "metrics"

Compare 2 metrics in Prometheus

I'm new in prometheus, need help. I have custom metric on my 2 servers (just shows version of application): app_version{plant="dev",env="demo"} 55.119 app_ver

Balanced Accuracy Score in Tensorflow

I am implementing a CNN for an highly unbalanced classification problem and I would like to implement custum metrics in tensorflow to use the Select Best Model

tensorflow automatic accuracy calculation for multilabel classifier

I am fitting a multilabel classifier to (train_x, train_y) while monitoring the loss and accuracy on a validation set (val_x, val_y): classification_model.compi

Why endorser_proposals_recieved (Hyperledger fabric peer-metric) is giving different values at different peers?

We are using Hyperledger fabric 2.2.3 with 3 organizations 2 peers each, a total 6 endorsing peers,3 orderers, and using the Prometheus tool for monitoring. usi

ValueError: Unknown metric function: cosine

i have been getting valueError issue. Currently using python3.9.11., keras2.8. if loss_init=="r2": parallel_model.compile(loss=custom_r2_loss, o

Metrics F1 warning zero division

I want to calculate the F1 score of my models. But I receive a warning and get a 0.0 F1-score and I don't know what to do. here is the source code: def model_

Adding metric labels in prometheus on the fly

I have a counter metric in prometheus. I want to add lables to it dynamically for example if my request comes{p1} ,I want my custom_metric_na