I am studying AVX by writing AVX code with inline assembly. In this case, I tried to implement AVX in a simple function. The function name I made is lower_all_c
I have two sequences of 8 unsigned bytes and I need to compute their cyclic convolution, which yields 8 unsigned 19 bits integers. As I repeat this million time
Question: How can I implement a faster thread safe queue to support an object pool when under heavy thread contention? Scenario: My overall final objective is a
In the case that a load overlaps two earlier stores (and the load is not fully contained in the oldest store), can modern Intel or AMD x86 implementations forwa
I keep seeing people claim that the MOV instruction can be free in x86, because of register renaming. For the life of me, I can't verify this in a single tes
In x86 assembly, is it possible to clear the Parity Flag in one and only one instruction, working under any initial register configuration? This is equivalent