Category "microsoft-edge"

How to start Edge browser in Incognito mode using selenium remote webdriver?

Currently we are working on selenium (2.53.0) with Edge browser using C#. Edge browser stores cache information at 'localAppdata' folder because of cache, we a

Where is Location of Microsoft Edge Extension Folder that are installed from Microsoft Store?

Where is the location of Microsoft Edge extensions folder when they are installed from Microsoft Store, in Windows 10?

Is there a straight forward way to install and configure WebdriverIO with Internet Explorer 11 and Egde support

I went through all the docs and posts about Webdriver IO that I could find and I couldn't find a straight forward way to install and configure WebdriverIO with

Automating Edge Browser using VBA without downloading Selenium

I had the Automation tools which are written considering the IE. Now, I want to re-write those same tools this time by considering the "Microsoft Edge" as the d