Category "migration"

NPM TypeORM - "Error: Duplicate migrations" after modifying/deleting migration file

I previously add a column to an existing table using, npm run migration:generate <filename>. However, I later realized that I misspelled the column name s

Database-style migrations for OS files

I'll admit this is an odd question as I'm writing, but I'm curious if such a solution exists or not. Basically, I want to run database-style migrations on files

Flutter: Unable to migrate to null safety

I am following this guide to migrate my project to null safety: But I am facing this issue with the dart migrate co

How to create Vaadin flow MprRouteAdapter for registered Vaadin 8 view with parameterized constructor?

I have the following code snippet in Vaadin 8 to navigate to ShipmentView. The shipment view is registered with two parameter constructor: navigator.addView("sh

AWS - DMS for Postgres RDS cutover strategy

To prepare for our Postgres to Postgres migration we have configured a DMS task and a target DB with migrations pre applied. We tested DMS and a cutover to our

How to put a foreign key in knex migration?

I'm trying to put a foreign key in knex migration. "age_group_id"(primary key of the "agegroups" table) is the foreign key of the "users" table. So, I have put

TypeORM CLI: No changes in database schema were found

I'm am developing an application using NestJS and TypeORM. Whenever I try to generate migrations from my entities (by running typeorm migration:generate) I get

Migrate Vaadin 8 to 14: Widgetset 'xx.MyAppWidgetset' does not contain an implementation for com.vaadin.mpr.MprUIContent

We are migrating from Vaadin 8 to Vaadin Flow 14. In order to migrate piece by piece, MPR is used. We use Flow 14's Route for navigation. For each view we creat

Can i use Azure Migrate tool to migrate IBM MQ from on-premise to azure cloud

We plan to migrate our on-premise MQ servers hosted in VMware servers to azure VM. Can I use the Azure Migrate tool to migrate IBM MQ from on-premise to Azure c

PHPSpreadsheet - How Do I Use Auto Migration Tool

I'm a long time reader, but new to asking questions. Please correct me if I have somehow asked incorrectly. Intro We are upgrading our servers from PHP 5.4 to

Laravel how to modify onDelete('cascade') into no action in migration?

I have a users table which has many debitur. I already set the user_id in debitur with onDelete('cascade'). Schema::table('debitur', function ($table) { $t

TypeORM migrations no changes were found

I'm trying to generate migrations with TypeOrm. When I change an entity, it should detect this change and generate a new migration. I get the following error

Additional probing paths for .NET Core 3 migration

Short version of the question: Is there any way in .NET Core 3 to specify a local probing path, using the same rules as the <probing> element from app.con

Laravel Migrate Specific File(s) from Migrations

Hi read all the included documentation here in Is there a way on how to migrate a certain migration file (1 migration

How to Install Composer Require doctrine/dbal

In the Laravel framework, I am trying to modify my columns using change() by migrations. Right now, I need to install... composer require doctrine/dbal I am

Log errors after running robocopy command

I am running a robocopy command to copy files from one folder to another like below - "Robocopy source destination filename" Some files are not getting copied a

How to map URL requests for vBulletin posts to Drupal 7 Forum comments after migration?

I need help to map requests for vBulletin posts to their new location on a Drupal 7 forum. I inherited a Drupal site after it was migrated from Drupal 5 with v

laravel migration best way to add foreign key

Simple question: I'm new to Laravel. I have this migration file: Schema::create('lists', function(Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $ta

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error: Failed to parse APK file:

I have search stockoverflow and google with no luck. I recently migrated my app to androidx, after a lot of effort I was able to fix all the build fails. but n

Entity Framework rollback and remove bad migration

I'm using EF 6.0 for my project in C# with manual migrations and updates. I have about 5 migrations on the database, but I realised that the last migration was