I am dynamic importing 9 images but the site crash with these err messages Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: error loading dynamically imported Script from &ldq
I want to attach a MTA report (not delivered bounce mail) to an email, but what is the correct MIME type? I fetch the full body of the MTA report with $body = i
I'm using Jfrog Artifactory on Cloud, and I'm trying to change mimetypes.xml to serve html files as browsing instead of downloading. I have read the article htt
If I have an IPFS CID address (with no extension), of a file like this for instance https://ipfs.infura.io/ipfs/QmNhq4hx1KfTw1a5pTtudGXm9Q4xhWdeuWtPSSG19SSZeU ,
Some software uses audio/flac. Some uses audio/x-flac. MDN suggests that x-flac is "non-standard". But based on what? But this appears to be the official regis
I have a react app (with routes handled by react-router) with some components lazily loaded deployed on heroku(free plan), it is served by this express server:
I have a Django app hosted on Heroku, and my stylesheet isn't loading. Now I've taken the time to read the other questions on this issue, but I believe each sit
I have the following HTML code: <a href="data:text/x-c;charset=utf-8,struct%20example%20%7B%0A%09int%20number%20%3D%205%3B%0A%7D%3B" download="example.cpp
I'm working on a website that uses gulp to compile and browser sync to keep the browser synchronised with my changes. The gulp task compiles everything properl
I want to get the extension from a MimeType. For example: video/mp4 ----> mp4 application/x-rar-compressed ----> rar text/plain
My google cloud storage browser is seeing the incorrect content-type on all of my static files (css, js, jpg, etc.) and this is causing a mime type error when s
I am writing a Java application to send multipart request with attached files to an API that help me send an email with the attachments to the specified email.
I'm trying to build a static site using Angular. What I want is to have some global css/js/image files to be added to the index.html This is my code in index.h
I'm learning swift , and I made a table with cells that show an image ,and classes in groups by MIME TYPE (using path extension). I had a question about extens
JSON has application/json as a standard. For protobuf some people use application/x-protobuf, but I saw something as odd as application/vnd.google.protobuf bein
I'm surprised that there are so many questions regarding the same problem but there are no good answers anywhere. In fact this question doesn't even have a sing