Category "miniconda"

A serious "ModuleNotFoundError: No module name..." problem

enter image description here As the image shows, I have marked the parent directory source root, and pycharm doesn't report an import-error(like wave line or so

How to access predefined environment variables in conda environment.yml?

I wish to share an environment.yml file for others to reproduce the same setup as I have. The code we use depends on the environment variable $PWD. I wish to se

Conda environment not showing up in VS Code

I installed miniconda on Windows 10 and created an environment (I followed this guide:

Switch between anaconda and miniconda (miniforge)

I have installed conda using miniforge. Since my mac has a m1 chip, i had to install conda using, inorder to get tensorflow working.

Anaconda installer not working - Windows 10

I have installed the Anaconda 3 in my windows 10 and it has not installed the Scripts folder and the Anaconda Prompt or Navigator applications. I have come he

conda refuses to install package while all dependencies seems to be already satisfied

I'm trying to install httpcore v0.14.7 inside miniconda 3.8 . httpcore v0.14.7 is only available on conda-forge, rather than the anaconda main repo. Unfortunate

Unable to start Jupyter notebook on VS Code

(Using latest miniconda + VS Code on 64-bit Windows10:) After clean reinstalling VS Code, I can no longer launch jupyter notebook from within it. When I tried t