Category "mobile"

Woocommerce optimize images for mobile

I'm trying to improve pagespeed results for my clients. I'm making an eshop with woocommerce and although I get 90-92% for desktop in the mobile I only have 38-

Deep linking not working in chrome mobile browser

I am facing issue of deeplink. We have created a deep link for mobile application post but at google chrome mobile browser, its not opening the app screen. I sa

Disable Blue Highlight when Touch/Press object with Cursor:Pointer

There is a blue highlight that appears whenever a Div that has the cursor:pointer property applied is touched in Chrome. How can we get rid of it? I have tried

How to display count of notifications in toolbar icon in react native

I am wanting to create a react native badge count for my app. I have been searching the last week with out any luck. I am wanting to do something like the image

Protractor: change user agent

I'm testing a site designed for mobile pages. It takes screenshots of the page however the screenshots are displaying the screen like on a desktop rather than a

How to use Ionic Framework for Web App Development?

Is it possible to use ionic frameowork for regular Web Applications rather than wrapping it in Cordova?

Line break on mobile phone only

I have a phone number on a website. It looks good on a laptop, but on a mobile device half of the number jumps to the next line. It doesn't look good. So how

How to center a component in MUI and make it responsive?

I don't quite understand the React Material-UI grid system. If I want to use a form component for login, what is the easiest way to center it on the screen on a

Gradle error : Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL:

I have this error in the apps that I'm currently building on: C:\mobile\xtern_mobile\ST>cordova run android ANDROID_HOME=C:\Users\myPC\AppData\Local\Android\

ActionbarSherlock - customize submenu on item? (like in Chrome & Opera for mobile)

I am working on an application and using ActionbarSherlock as my actionbar and would like to know how can I customize my submenu of an item like in Chrome &

How can i set @media only screen less then 320px for indetificator?

I have this piece of code. I'm beginner :/ Id like to add some responsibility by @media only screen and (max-width: 320px) {} but it do

Toolbar options in Action bar? (Flutter)

Is there some way to show toolbar options in action bar? Such that: I'm looking for a way to add sharing options when a text is selected.

OZEKI NG GATEWAY not receiving SMS messages

I'm working on a project in which I'm trying to get Ozeki to send and receive SMS messages from my Nokia 3110 classic.I have also configured the inbound route,o

OZEKI NG GATEWAY not receiving SMS messages

I'm working on a project in which I'm trying to get Ozeki to send and receive SMS messages from my Nokia 3110 classic.I have also configured the inbound route,o

How to reload a div for equal height child on window resize

I wrote a script to give equal height to child elements of wrapper. It is working fine on page load, but when I resize or change the orientation of my iPad, the

How to create two columns with space beetwen in react native - flatList

Hi i'm new in React Native. I am trying to create two columns layout with space beetween using react native component called flatList. Here is my view Code:

How to refresh a DIV in jquery (mobile)?

UPDATE: Sorry, I accidentally copied the data-dom-cache="true" line into my content-div. Seems very logical that the app is loading from the dom instead the new

Is there any mobile testing tools? [closed]

I want to ask about a tool or software to test j2me mobile app. On different screens and different devices. Also if available to test if appl

Cannot find findelementbyandroiduiautomator method for appium android driver

I am using android driver with mobileElement typecast, but I cannot find the findelementbyandroiduiautomator method in my list of methods. All the other methods