Category "module"

Magento 2 : Allow customer to edit custom options on Cart

I am trying to add functionality to allow a customer to edit options. I have created a Module Vendor/COptions. This is loading custom options and select, howev

Javascript Modules not working on some clients

I recently started using Javascript modules in my websites, and everything was fine when developing on my desktop. I went to do work on my laptop, but for some

Multiple modules within the same project

I've been playing with Go modules and I was wondering what the best practice is in terms of the following directory structure: project ├── go

chalk package issue in nodejs

**When I require to chalk package in node js like as ** index.js const chalk = require('chalk'); console.log(chalk.bgRed.inverse("hello world")); console.l

SWI-Prolog: Use operators from modules?

I have a prolog-file (name of this kind of type: :- module(definitions,[]). :-op(699, xfx, :=). :-op(599, xfy, ∪). C := (A ∪ B) :- u

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keybord'

I am using python 3.x. I have installed pip and I actually made a path to \Scripts in windows. Then I installed module named keyboard. However when I try to imp

Import a function from a module in another folder in parent directory

I have been trying unsuccessfully to solve this for hours now. This is my folder structure. /parent_folder module1/

PowerShell module function does not inherit WhatIf

TL;DR: Why do module functions not inherit -WhatIf implicitly when called from a script? It was my understanding that cmdlets and functions will inherit switche

Is there a concise/inline way to create Set values without explicitly naming their type?

In most language that have parametric / generic types, there is a (type) expression you can write to mean 'Set of something'. E.g. Set<Integer> in Java. S

Access graphics from drawable folder of a dynamic feature module from main module

I'm getting my feet wet with dynamic module split API delivery in order to break up my game app into Instant and Installable versions. I've been following the C

delay NgModule declaration with async import module

I would like to dynamically import a third-party module and check it. Then declaration in NgModule depends on it exist or not(true/false). Something like my cod

Export default was not found

I have a Vue 2 project, and I've written a simple function for translating months in dates, which I would like to import in one of my components, but I'm gettin

javascript module pattern from You don't know JS

I have been reading and testing below code out for several hours now and I just can't seem to grasp certain things. I have been stepping through chrome console

QtCharts module not found even after installing in Qt Maintenance

I know that there're many questions regarding this aspect: QML module not found (QtCharts) How to include the QtCharts library in Qt Creator 4.2.0 (Community) H

go build can't find a revision

I developed a repo on computer A and created a go.mod/go.sum that I checked in. I pull that repo with the go.mod/go.sum files on computer B, but when I try to

Scrapy: No module named 'scrapy.contrib'

I've looked everywhere for a solution to this. I didn't used to have a problem calling "from scrapy.contrib..." but now it throws this error. File "<frozen

Jupiter notebook and BeautifulSoup4 installation

I have installed BeautifulSoup both using pip install beautifulsoup4pip install and using conda install -c anaconda beautifulsoup4 and also tried to install it

what is the alternative for the util.isNullOrUndefined(object) in the Util module ? Angular 7

util.isNullOrUndefined(object) has been depreciated and I cannot find any alternative for it. Can someone point out a feasible alternative for it? if (isNullOr

Javascript modules don't work on github pages

I build a project with a local server (using live server VS extension), who works fine. In this project, I'm using javascript modules, so in index.html, I have

JavaScript test runner that supports native modules

Is there a JavaScript test runner that supports native modules?