I finally got my head around monads once I understood how they are useful in c++/python by allowing you to chain together functions of the form T -> Generic&
I've read a few books on Haskell but haven't coded in it all that much, and I'm a little confused as to what Haskell is doing in a certain case. Let's say I'm u
I am trying Cats for the first time and am using Scala 3, and I am trying to implement a set of parser combinators for self-pedagogy, however; I am stuck on the
At one time, I thought I understood Monad. However, when I try to connect my understanding of code to the piece of theory, I found myself still not clear. So he
C++23 std::optional is finally getting some very useful additions. Since my knowledge of FP is very primitive I am wondering what is the syntax for the followin
Time and again I read the term effectful, but I am still unable to give a clear definition of what it means. I assume the correct context is effectful computati
I'm reading PureScript by Example and got to the part introducing the Reader monad. The example goes like this: createUser :: Reader Permissions (Maybe User) c