Category "mongodb-atlas"

Does the return value of a MongoDB Atlas trigger function have meaning?

In MongoDB Atlas, you can create triggers. These allow javascript functions, with access to the Mongo database, to respond to events. (See the docs at https://w

PyMongo Atlas Search not returning anything

I'm trying to do a full text search using Atlas for MongoDB. I'm doing this through the PyMongo driver in Python. I'm using the aggregate pipeline, and doing a

Why can't I connect to mongoDB atlas?

I am new in MongoDB, all my life I used MySQL. I have created an account in atlas, set the IP to my IP and created a user and saved the password. here is my cod

Searching numbers as keywords or strings with Mongo Atlas Search (as possible in Elastic Search)

Sometimes it's useful to allow numbers to be treated as keywords or strings when using a search index. For example, suppose I have transaction data something li

Mongoimport and mongorestore does not work on Atlas free tier

I want to migrate from Azure Cosmos Db to Mongo Db Atlas (on Azure), so I am testing in a subscription with a free tier. I exported a collection from Cosmos wit

Why Google Cloud Run gettings massive container restart / new instance creation?

I've been using Google Cloud Run for a year now and the issue with cloud run containers restarts / new container start is from the beginning. I've hosted Node +

All nameservers failed to answer UDP port 53 Google cloud functions python 3.7 atlas mongodb

i can connect locally to my mongodb server with the address However, when I deploy my code to the cloud I get the error deploy to google cloud functi

MongoDB Atlas very slow connection on hot reload

I have been working on a React application that would connect to MongoDB Atlas with Mongoose. Using nodemon and webpack for hot reloading it would reconnect to

'No write concern mode named 'majority`' found in replica set configuration' error

I'm trying to insert an object into mongodb via a POST request. The object that I send gets inserted in the db successfully, however I get the error mentioned a

Duplicate data from Mongo Atlas to self-managed mongodb

I need to duplicate records about 400 million records from Atlas Mongodb to self-managed Mongodb without any changes. After finishing migrating data, these 2 da

Mongodb: Text Indexes vs Atlas Search

These two features look pretty simmilar, but Atlas Search is fresh and maybe more powerfull. Is Atlas Search a replacement for Text Indexes in MongoDb? Will Tex

Vercel: Task timed out after 10.01 seconds

I recently deployed a Next.js application for a software engineering boot camp. I am using Vercel for hosting the web app. The problem I am having has been spok

Importing data into MongoDB Atlas

I have a local database/collection that I created from an external .bson file using mongorestore. I'm able to access the collection from my local machine, howev

Migrating to MongoDb Atlas from Local

I'm trying to migrate my local MongoDB over to Atlas. I managed to run the mongodump command with localhost and can see the files in ./dump/data.bson However,

Connection Not established in Mocha to MongoDB Atlas

When starting my application it connects to MongoDB Atlas as logged, however, when running mocha tests it does not even try to connect to the DB. here is my ser

MongoserverError: bad auth: authentication failed problem

I correctly use the username and password in the url of vs code for my server side but in the cmd i find the error of mongodb authentication fail. why this is h

connection times out when trying to connect to mongodb atlas with python

I'm trying to connect to my mongodb atlas cluster but i keep getting timed out as soon as i try to do something with my db. The db i use was created in mongos

How can I connect to Mongodb Atlas

I am trying to connect to MongoDB atlas from node.js but I keep getting an error. I have whitelisted my ip address in database access and also allowed all ips b

Can i know how to import the database in mongoDB atlas?

I would like to know a suitable solution to import database in the momgoDB atlas.

Received an unhandled rejection error every time I save something to my database

I keep getting this error whenever I save something to the database. Regardless if its numbers, text ect, it happens and I have no idea why. Two months prior ev