I am using the Google cloud platform and compute engine for my project, Installed MongoDB into the instance server, what is the best way to take my database bac
im working on a next.js and mongodb website and im following this tutorial exactly but with different files/variable names. i keep running int
Mongo engine cannot execute a raw query AppDocument.objects(__raw__={ {"_id": ObjectId("1"),"car._id": ObjectId("2")}, {"$pull":
I am using React in front-end and Node and MongoDB in Back-end. I have created a custom hook from where I am loading the data. The following is the custom hook
I have a document that contains an array of arrays in my MongoDB collection. { "platformId":"CMC_123", "carInfo":[ ["Toyota",20,"White"],
This is probably a very simple question. I am running into an issue when storing a MongoClient connection in a variable for later use. Using import { MongoClien
As a new developer, I am always confused about using NodeJS and MongoDB. So I hope I will get an actual answer. Thanks...
I tried to create 5 documents in mondoDB , and I’m sure that I successfully created 5 documents. But it only shows one document on Robo3T. Here is my code
So on the front end I'm using this function to have the user Log In if they have a This Function only works at the time of log in and after if the users just na
When I try to add new blog posts to my website I am continuously getting this error: TypeError: C:\Users\shruti\Desktop\ejs-challenge\views\home.ejs:15 13| 14|
I want to migrate from Azure Cosmos Db to Mongo Db Atlas (on Azure), so I am testing in a subscription with a free tier. I exported a collection from Cosmos wit
I'm trying to do a k8s tutorial on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X48VuDVv0do&t=5428s. An error occured that k8s pod failed to connect mongodb when
FIRST : When I run in my terminal : heroku logs or heroku logs --tail, I get "Service temporarily unavailable. Please try again later" What does it mean pleas
this is my first ever question. Okay.. Relevant to this problem : I am using cmder I am new to the terminal I am using a windows PC I'm following a tutorial on
I am new to MongoDB/Mongoose. I am trying to do a search based on a key string for a 'Resource' which will return a list of resources based on average of rating
I followed the description of how to install MongoDB to Debian 11 that can be found in severall places. Since all describe the same, I selected one of them. Eve
I have this document : [ { "_id": "626c5fd2aa0fc0e4eef45c94", "productos": [ { "_id": "626d50b621180e291a330333"
Hey friends I want to know a way in which I can store the app data in offline mode and when the data connection is available then the app sync the data to my on
In MongoDB Compass, when I choose to export the Aggregation Pipeline to Java, I get something like this: Arrays.asList(new Document("$group", new Document(
I'm using MongoDB for my Express app and I know that when an ID is an invalid ID for the corresponding database, the response status code is 400 (Bad Request).