Category "mongoose"

TypeError: (0 , _expressGraphql2.default) is not a function

Trying to create a server for my application using graphQL server, but keep getting the error below. I have tried debugging with similar issues on this site but

How to display subdocuments on frontend i am using mongodb as the database

This is the front end. I have made some changes you can check out my repo if anyone has any answer to this it'll be great use i think there is there a way to li

mongoDb - How do I delete an object from a nested array

"ProductCategory": [ { "_id": "6246e0d09b16cf549256ed75", "name": "Arduino Boards", "desc": "this is for demo purpose"

Remove generated string from Mongoose schema with custom validation

I have a schema with a custom validation. const schema = new mongoose.Schema({ username: { type: String, required: true, validate: {

How to get decrypted values in the aggregation result by the using of getter and setter in node.js

var mongoose = require("mongoose"); const Schema = mongoose.Schema; let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js"); function encrypt(text) { try { let ciphertext =

Mongoose and MongoDB - Get all countries and users associated with country

So I have a list of posts data that looks like this: [ {user: 'Bob', country: 'USA'} {user: 'Kim', country: 'Mexico'} {user: 'Darren', country: 'Mexico'}

NodeJS with ESM: internal/process/promises:246 | triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */) | finalizer.unsubscribe is not a function

I am creating an observable (RxJS) in NodeJS using ESM. Inside the observable I am performing a query with mongoose. I get the result, but the console returns e

Should we build Mongoose queries on the frontend or backend?

We can build complex queries with Mongoose with options like $lte, $gt, $ne and so on... but I'm wondering where/how we should build those queries? If I have a

How to Insert new documents according to a condition that can be appliyed on one of them

I have a collection where I store unique uID for a user and I also have to register them manually. While registration I pass multiple IDs in an array and now I

Is there a way to cast a string of only hh:mm to Date in Javascript

I have a business hours object in a mongoose schema that represent a date. I'm passing a json object and retrieving the to parse to Date as string. I wonder if

Why can't I connect to mongoDB atlas?

I am new in MongoDB, all my life I used MySQL. I have created an account in atlas, set the IP to my IP and created a user and saved the password. here is my cod

Is there a way to avoid stringValue Favicon.ico error in express js

I am trying to build an application in my Express and anytime i navigate to the admin page i get this error const castError = new CastError();

How to delete and insert with a single command in mongoDB?

So, I have a collection like this: [{ "name":String, "address":String, "hobby":Array of Strings }...] Every hour I query an API and get the response l

Storing sessions with express-session, connect-mongo, and mongoose

I am looking for guidance on setting up session based authentication with with Express-Session, connect-mongo, and Mongoose. Currently it's just generating a ne

Slow query using aggregation framework mongodb

I came up with this code to query a list of questions from db question .aggregate([ { $lookup: { from: "answers", localFie

How to fix " Path is required ,ValidationError " ,Mongoose ,node

I have searched everywhere for this problem. but I cant find the correct way to fix it. help me to what is the problem. const router = require("express").Ro

Specifying a port in MongoDB URI does not allow me to connect to my local DB

I am testing a connection to a local DB using mongoose and mongodb. Whenever I specify a port when passing in the URI to mongoose.connect() I get a connection r

Querying Views with Mongoose (and encapsulating documents fields)

I use mongodb views to encapsulate data in a Data Transfer Object. After the first run of the code below the view is created in the database. Subsequent executi

Querying Views with Mongoose (and encapsulating documents fields)

I use mongodb views to encapsulate data in a Data Transfer Object. After the first run of the code below the view is created in the database. Subsequent executi

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'path') - Multer Error

I am uploading an image to a folder in uploads via multer package. I am getting an error while testing the route in POSTMAN. location_model.js const util = requ