Category "mqtt"

Python FastAPI backend get request path operation function access data saved outside of the function

I am quite new to FastAPI, so I have a question if it is possible to access data within the path operation function, which(data) is stored/generated outside of

MQTT client waits indefinitely during publish of message

I try to implement an asynchronous MQTT client with the paho library, that receives messages on topic "request", formulates a string and puts the response out o

MQTT message is not received because of object in object

Libraries: <PubSubClient.h> <ESP8266WiFi.h> "ArduinoJson.h" When I send this JSON, the message is received and I can do things with it: {"topic":"d

MQTT can`t connect to backend AWS IoT core

UPDATED: I am trying to connect to a backend (AWS IoT Core) as I am using a small wp77 with a busybox image running. When using the 8883 port the connection tim

How to handle mqtt disconnection on Node-RED?

I'm implementing a draft of a connection between 2 Raspberry and an Arduino, connected via mqtt. I'm working on Node-RED flows and I used mqtt nodes. As you can

Mqtt Android PahoClient Connection Issue

Hi I am using Android paho library for getting connect with an mqtt server. My app level Gradle side Code : implementation 'org.eclipse.paho:org.eclipse.paho.

Sparkplug B and BIRTH topics

I am working on a Sparkplug B SCADA Host, and hoping to understand how the Sparkplug B SCADA Host keeps up-to-date with the Sparkplug B EoN Nodes and Devices th

Sparkplug B and BIRTH topics

I am working on a Sparkplug B SCADA Host, and hoping to understand how the Sparkplug B SCADA Host keeps up-to-date with the Sparkplug B EoN Nodes and Devices th

How can I bring the PAHO/Eclipse MQTT Android Service into an Android Studio Project

I am simply not able to bring the PAHO / Eclipse MQTT Android Service into an Android Studio project. The PAHO documentation advises you to add this line to app

MQTT Subscriber to ThingsBoard broker in python

Situation: I have a python virtual sensor (a python program) that submits data via MQTT protocol to my device in ThingsBoard. I can visualize data on the dashbo

Sending MQTT broker(HiveMQ) messages to AWS SQS

I have a requirement to forward the MQTT messages from HiveMQ broker to AWS SQS. Is it something that is feasible and can easily be done through HiveMQ Extensio

mqtt broker bridge (in windows machine)

I'm working in mqtt broker bridge, I have to connect local mosquitto to remote mosquitto. connection remote-mosquitto-bridge address topic test b

Control Relay by MQTT Publish Subcribe

sorry for my bad english, but i'll try my best i have a code like this void mqttCallback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length) { Serial.print("Mess

Null is not an object (evaluating ' client)

I'm using the MQTT protocol in my project, when I include the MQTT protocol with import * as Mqtt from 'react-native-native-mqtt' declare my client with const

How do I use the data from subscribe part (mqtt)

I am now doing a robot and I use mqtt to communicate between raspi and computer. Now, I want to use the string I have published from the computer. but I don't k

How to check message received from registered device only in IBM Watson IOT- Node Red

Is there a way to identify the messages received is from the registered gateway or device in the organization. I'm using IBM Watson IOT and Node-Red - editor t

ESP32 AWS IoT transportStatus=-1

I'm following the espressif docs for connecting a ESP32 to AWS IoT shadow. I'm using the example for shadow mqtt synchronisatio

Error: Cannot open include file: 'MQTTAsync.h': No such file or directory

OS -Windows 10 x64 Library mqtt Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 Version 15.9.15 Programming Language - C++17 Installed paho-mqtt paho-mqttpp3 paho-mqt

How to modify spring-websocket to interface with broker via MQTT instead of STOMP?

I'm building a spring-websocket application that currently uses RabbitMQ as a message broker via the STOMP protocol. The rest of our organization mostly uses IB

How to subscribe to Single thing group things in a single subscribe topic in AWS IoT MQTT?

How to subscribe to Single thing group things in a single subscribe topic in AWS IoT MQTT? Usecase Things List(ThingName) xxxxx xxxxx1 xxxx2 xxxxx3 .... xxxx55