Category "msal"

MSAL is not working on Android Release build - react native

I am trying to test Android release build with MSAL custom login page, which works fine on debug mode. Though, on release mode, I am getting this error: Could n

MSAL login not working in production for node.js , Javascript application

I have used Msal.js for login to microsoft account inorder to call microsoft graph api. On local everything is working fine but after deployment on production,

C# AzureAD joined device - retrieve token for Graph API silently

I want to create Graph API client as logged in user. The device is Azure active directory joined device. Documentation says I should use Integrated windows auth

How to cache token with Microsoft Graph for Java

I am using Microsoft Graph SDK for some requests however everytime I perform a GET request it does another request to get a token. I've tried reading documentat

How do I avoid using a client secret or certificate for Blazor Server when using MSAL?

When using Blazor Server and the MSAL library you must provide either a client secret or a client certificate. Here is what a Blazor Server project uses to setu

Authenticating using Azure Active Directory with Angular 13 and .NET core web api

I have a .NET CORE 6 Api for the back end and a Angular 13 for the front end. Currently I am trying to authenticate via Angular using msal and then call the pro

Problem Using Microsoft.Identity.Web with Blazor Server App

I'm using Visual Studio V16.8.2 with the .Net 5 templates and I'm trying to create a Blazor Server app that will authenticate against Azure AD. I use the Blazor

Is it possible to to use Azure AD V1 V2 token token using MSAL in Microservices?

I m working with azure add and have more then 10 microservices. have existing implementation with ADAL library. now I have started converting my microservice to

How can I send an e-mail from Microsoft Outlook using MSAL in Java?

I'm trying to develop an application in Java / Spring that connects to an Microsoft Outlook / Exchange SMTP Relay to send e-mails using MSAL4J, but I keep getti

AADB2C90088: The provided grant has not been issued for this endpoint

We are using custom policies for Sign in and reset password in Azure B2C, when user is resetting his password and after doing all the process, when user tries t

Not able to get access token from azure AD using MSAL4J

I'm trying to access graph api. I'm using MSAL4J to access the graph apis. But I'm getting

Not able to get access token from azure AD using MSAL4J

I'm trying to access graph api. I'm using MSAL4J to access the graph apis. But I'm getting

Some Microsoft endpoints do not accept the JWT token produced by MSAL

I have an MSAL app that creates authentication tokens for accessing various Microsoft APIs. I provide the app specific scopes, and it creates a corresponding au

Microsoft Authentication Client credentials flow using client secret MSAL

I have the following scenario, I have a backend developed in node with express and protected with passaport-azure ad, and I have an application that must consum

Non-interactive authentication fails with WsTrust server issue MSIS7068

Setup: Users are created on On-Prem AD and synced to Azure AD via Azure AD Connect I have a single-tenant app set up on Azure AD I created a user (On-Prem, sync

UI-Less authentication with PRT

I'm trying to authenticate the logged-on user with my cloud application. I've a rich application on the end-point (C++ or C#). I've a cloud application (not nec

In the MSAL Python library, are the ConfidentialClientApplication and its underlying TokenCache objects thread safe?

When using Microsoft Authentication Library for Python (MSAL) on the server side, is it safe to share single ConfidentialClientApplication object between severa

How to validate AzureAD accessToken in the backend API

I just wanted to know how can we validate the azure ad access token in a backend API in my case i.e. Django rest framework. Consider that I have a single page a

Share session data between Flask apps in separate Docker containers that are served using a reverse proxy

I have a Docker app running on localhost. There are multiple flask apps each in its own container. One is on the root (localhost) and the others are on subdomai

Xamarin.Forms MSAL authentication java.exe exited with code 1

<activity android:name="microsoft.identity.client.BrowserTabActivity"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.