Category "multithreading"

Read multiple serial port at one time using python

I'm trying to read out multiple serial ports at the same time with Python. I found some code to make it, but its not going well. The code not read the serial pr

SLURM nodes, tasks, cores, and cpus

Would someone be able to clarify what each of these things actually are? From what I gathered, nodes are computing points within the cluster, essentially a sing

Locking thread and creating new cursors not resolving sqlite3 "recursive use of cursors not allowed"

I am trying to make a simple flask web server that presents two graphs of data using matplotlib from a DHT22 sensor stored in a sqlite3 database. The code is ba

Multi-threading and events exercise in Python

"Write a program using two threads such that one writes even numbers in increasing order and the other odd numbers in incresing order with respect to a certain

Exception in monitor thread while connecting to server <xyz> using mongo-driver-core-4.1.2 jar

I have upgraded mongo java driver <mongodb.version>3.12.8</mongodb.version> to mongodb-driver-legacy 4.1.2. since then when ever i am trying to up

How to prepare Data-Set for main thread in an additional thread and stay threadsafe?

Description: (Following is only a low level description) Assume you have a List of automates, one of people and one of tasks. The corresponding Data comes from

LINQ script class throwing TaskCanceledException Error

I am working on .NET CORE 6 application along with Entity Framework CORE 7. I have class where I have written LINQ script. This is async method. I am not sure w

python win32ui.error: BitBlt failed & CreateCompatibleBitmap failed in multithreading

I'm here to ask for help on a recent problem I encountered with my program.... I am getting this error when I try to use BitBlt and CreateCompatibleBitmap: win3

How do I create a child process with clone and use waitpid to wait until its done?

The code below is wrong for at least 2 reasons. I'll be rewriting this in assembly so I'll need the solution to be only linux system calls. What I'd like to do

Error Missing Type specifer - int assumed . Note C++ does not support default init

In order to make two objects, User1 and User2, of a class User sending and receiving messages, #include <iostream> using namespace std; class reply { p

What is the best mechanism to send data through queues in a multithreaded program?

I am making a multi-threaded application, where a main process sends messages to the appropriate thread through a queue. My doubt is in the part of the thread:

How do I speed up the running of terraform deployments using threading?

When creating terraform deployments, I have to wait until the command completes before running the next command. If I have multiple deployments in parallel - (t

multithreaded C++ read access violation 0XCDCDCDCD

I'm writing a simple multithreaded md5 hash cracker using a task farm, except i keep getting read access violations seemingly at random. heres the function the

UI thread slow to respond to Progress updaters on async Task method using VS2022 & Net6.0

I’ve run into a performance obstacle and I’m uncertain of the cause, all of this is running under VS2022 & Net6.0. As this is my 1st time using

Visible order of operations with acquire/release fence in C++

I have a following program which uses std::atomic_thread_fences: int data1 = 0; std::atomic<int> data2 = 0; std::atomic<int> state; int main() {

How to test a singleton generic template to be thread safe?

How do I make Singleton generic template, and how can I test it? Right now I am interested in seeing with my own eyes that 2 threads that invoke get_instance()

Python PyQt update GUI

basically I am having trouble with Updating my new GUI. Windows 10 | Python 3.8 | PyQt5 I got a class like class My_GUI(): def __init__(self): ..

How does a debugger identify a thread?

When using a debugger to debug a mutli-thread application, the debugger usually shows the currently running threads. Either with some GUI or command like info t

Understanding Wait in Thread Java

I have the following code:- class ThreadB extends Thread { int total; @Override public void run() { synchronized (this){ for(int i=

Can we invoke method outside the thread block by any technique in C#? so that we can use same thread method to invoke other methods as well.?

e.g. Here in this example, if I want to start thread on method M1 this way, Purpose is I need to call M2, M3 on same thread method to avoid repeated code. Is th