Category "mysql"

MySQL Select query between dates

I have a MySql table called contracts. I try to filter contracts applicable between two dates 2022-05-03 and 2022-05-07. MySQL query must be return id numbers:

How to sequenced a query conditionally to avoid any timeout?

So basically, I have this current query : UPDATE act AS a INNER JOIN blob AS b ON b.fav_pat = a.pat_id SET a.blob_id = This request take far too long in t

AttributeError: __aenter__

I'm trying to make a bulk update in my database. Using aiohtpp + sqlachemy. I'm getting a error async with sess.begin(): AttributeError: __aenter__ with th

What is preventing Combobox SelectedValue from setting?

I have several comboboxes, all similar code and only one, CustomerSelector.SelectedValue, is not working. I have even tried setting the value like this: Custom

Value con of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject

I just got an error at runtime. I understand the problem, but I could not fix it. This is my first time working with Volley and a MySQL database. I want to save

Dynamic dropdown Ajax PHP request

I'm trying to make a dynamically populated drop down in a form for location selection. I have scoured stack in other posts that ask similar questions and some w

MySQL: Why is that when creating a schema with collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci it becomes utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

When I create a schema with collition utf8mb4_unicode_ci it becomes collition utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci (using Workbench). Even when the default settings of the server

How to set MySQL time?

I want to do some testing without changing records' timestamps nor queries. My queries have NOW() in them, and I don't want to wait. So is there a way to tempor

Docker container not starting locally

I am running into issues trying to start my database locally with Docker. I keep receiving the error: 2022-03-05 15:43:51+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint

How to solve "Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly" In Xamp?

When I open XAMPP and click start MySQL button and it gives me an error. I had started it just before, but now it isn't working. It given error below in xammp E

How to select multiple Columns in SQL with inner join

as you can see in my picture i have got an eer-model with 6 tables. Now I want from the table "catalog" the "ItemID", from "Users" the "UserID" and from "Roles

MySQL, Concatenate two columns

There are two columns in a MySQL table: SUBJECT and YEAR. I want to generate an alphanumeric unique number which holds the concatenated data from SUBJECT and

Laravel 9.x and MySQL how to issue an Update on millions of records

I have a project where certain records in a table will "expire" after so many days. I use soft deletes so basically all I have to do is set the deleted_at colum

How i can get list valid prefix mobile phone from all country, including operator name?

I need to save into database list of prefix valid sms mobile phone number including operator name from "ALL COUNTRY". For example: PREFIX: +62812 COUNTRY: INDON

Facebook login to post in my database and link user to backend

I have a web app with Python and Flask that takes user input and stores it in a database, then I populate all the data in an HTML file. However, I want the user

Is it safe to store dates as a string in mysql?

I have to allow my users to make an update with 24 hours of delay from their previous update, so because date operations in this case are going to be on the bac

mysql query that splits string for an Insert?

I got a customers table with this column: hashtag VARCHAR(255), that contains lowercase words separated by white spaces. We added a new table: hashtag ( id INT,

How to split a multi value sql column into three single result

So I have a SQL column that stores data like this. "[1338,0,8523]" I was wondering if I can then garb each one individually and because the value is minutes, i

how can i make my database er diagram to code?

I've made this ER diagram for my college project but i have to use forward engineering to see SQL code. MySQL version is 8.0.27 when i try it, it come up with e

How to access an external database source in a TYPO3 10 module?

Within a TYPO3 10 extension I would like to access an external MySQL-database that contains a table with two fileds like "name" and "firstName". For this I adde