Category "nearprotocol"

How to get the result of a payable transaction using near-api-js?

When calling a contract method with attached deposits, you are redirected to the NEAR wallet for approving the transaction. How can the contract frontend app ge

NEAR Marketplace - How should I charge the transaction fee on each sales?

We're building a marketplace in NEAR. We have two smart contracts for token and marketplace. Same as NEAR example. In our platform, we have successfully impleme

Near Protocol, Smart Contract

When I run the command yarn build:release i get the error "command not found: asb" enter image description here

Recover seed-phrase from private key

I've created an account using near-cli / near-sdk, thus got private keys in ~/.near-credentials. In order to use the new account in I need the s

How to create an account on NEAR protocol?

I would like to learn how to create an account using RPC or REST calls on NEAR protocol.

NEAR "ExecutionError":"Exceeded the prepaid gas."

I'm going through the tutorial in One of the steps is to run this command (but with my account): near call museum.testnet

Near balances dashboard

I just want to get dashboard with amount of users balances from 0 to 100N and from 100N to 1000N. I’m sitting on macOS High Sierra and my laptop is old, s

NEAR Rest API: How to generate a sign URL with Batch Transactions?

I want to generate a sign URL using the NEAR API Rest Server This is the Sign URL API:- -- I want to perform storage_deposit and nft_approve actions in a singl

How do you upgrade NEAR smart contracts?

If I've deployed a smart contract on NEAR, how do I upgrade it to a new version? How can I tell if an existing smart contract can still be upgraded or has been

Near-cli with ledger: Ledger not needed for signing

On NEAR testnet Whenever I do near login with near-cli and use ledger a new FullAccess key is generated with the PK stored within ~/.near-credentials locally. N

NEAR Marketplace - Timed Auction Functionality

We're building a marketplace in NEAR. We have two smart contracts for token and marketplace. Same as NEAR example. In our platform, we have successfully impleme

How to call contract's method from crate

I need to call the contract's method from my Indexer. Now I use tokio::process and near-cli written on NodeJs. It looks soundless, and I would like to do that f

How to allow NFTs to show up in the NEAR Wallet

I've created an NFT contract and it seems as though none of the NFTs that I've minted show up in the collectibles tab. I was wondering what the criteria were fo

Why Blocks are Missing or Skipped on NEAR

I was wondering how come some blocks exist but some don't? It seems like they get skipped and I'm unsure as to why. For example: 87868936 exists and so does 878