I have to do that:Find the students who are over 22 years old and are studying Databases. Expected result: MATCH (p:Student)-[:Study]->(s:Subject) WHERE p.ag
I have been running a neo4j database for a while without problem. Yesterday our server OS was update from centos-8 to centos-stream, and since this upgrade our
I am stuck with the Vue-Apollo documentation: How to send mutations to my grahql-node4j server backend. For some reason the querying part works but I can't muta
I'm relatively new to neo4j and I'm not quite sure how to do more complex queries. I want to build a graph which in part is analogous to a file tree structure (
I am trying to figure out how Neoj4 Desktop can be used to handel NLP usgin this blog. Everything was ok until the text classification moment: CALL apoc.period
I'm new to Neo4j and GraphQL and more or less new to JavaScript. I want to build a GraphQL endpoint using ApolloServer and Neo4j. The error I don't understand
A node of a Round in a game is connected to Answer nodes. (:Round)<-[:IN_ROUND]-(:Answer) It is expected every Round to have 5 or fewer Answers related to it
WITH "/Users/nlp/social_graph/graph-nodes.csv" as uri LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM uri as row MERGE (:User {id: row.id}) I have a CSV file to contains some node
I am using the neo4j graph database and I am using neovis.js to visualize my graph.I visualized the graph but I can't get the info of the clicked node. How can
I am trying to use apoc.create.uuid() in nodejs for the first time. In the neo4j browser I can see that the result is a string like this: "a1d0d202-b585-4130-ba
So let's say that I have a graph with two node types: Source and Destination and relation FEEDS_INTO. Where Source nodes can have realtion between each other an
var arr = ["a","b","c","d"]; await session.run(`MATCH (x:Test WHERE x.name IN ${arr}`) I use the neo4j database in nodeJs and I am writing queries but I am tak
I'm trying to find all the relationships of the nodes which have one specific relationship. People can be connected to events which in turn are connected to chu
I have imported my data into my dbms and installed the plugins APOC ( and the Graf Data Science Library (1.4.1). When I open the playground i get the fo
I have a company node where the name should be unique: class Company(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(unique_index=True) participated = ArrayPrope
I have a Neo4j database with two kinds of nodes - Authors and Articles. Some of the articles have more than one author. I am trying to create an undirected rela
I have a database with 500K nodes and 700K relationships. I created 500 additional relationships with a new typeDummyEdge with edge_id attributes from "1" to "5
I'm trying to do something like this : Flow must have a relationship with : An Application OR A Partner My Flow must have one of these two relationships. I t
Getting the error "Neo4j cannot be started because the database files require upgrading and upgrades are disabled in the configuration. Please set 'dbms.allow_u
How to convert datetime in data loaded in Neo4j to timestamp? Example datetime format: 2020-04-07T12:39:38.027Z Please assist.