Category "neo4j"

Cannot run Cypher query

I have to do that:Find the students who are over 22 years old and are studying Databases. Expected result: MATCH (p:Student)-[:Study]->(s:Subject) WHERE

Neo4j - unable to get routing for database neo4j - unavailable after system upgrade

I have been running a neo4j database for a while without problem. Yesterday our server OS was update from centos-8 to centos-stream, and since this upgrade our

How to write mutations in Vue-Apollo using Graphql-Neo4j as backend

I am stuck with the Vue-Apollo documentation: How to send mutations to my grahql-node4j server backend. For some reason the querying part works but I can't muta

Binding end node of known path to variable to use for CRUD operations

I'm relatively new to neo4j and I'm not quite sure how to do more complex queries. I want to build a graph which in part is analogous to a file tree structure (

Neoj4 GCP error: "The requested URL /v1/documents:classifyText?key=apiKey was not found on this server"

I am trying to figure out how Neoj4 Desktop can be used to handel NLP usgin this blog. Everything was ok until the text classification moment: CALL apoc.period

Must provide typeDefs when using makeAugmentedSchema

I'm new to Neo4j and GraphQL and more or less new to JavaScript. I want to build a GraphQL endpoint using ApolloServer and Neo4j. The error I don't understand

How to match a node with over n relationships using neo4j's Cypher Query Language?

A node of a Round in a game is connected to Answer nodes. (:Round)<-[:IN_ROUND]-(:Answer) It is expected every Round to have 5 or fewer Answers related to it

Create graph reports "no protocol" error message

WITH "/Users/nlp/social_graph/graph-nodes.csv" as uri LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM uri as row MERGE (:User {id:}) I have a CSV file to contains some node

how can i get properties of clicked node with neovis

I am using the neo4j graph database and I am using neovis.js to visualize my graph.I visualized the graph but I can't get the info of the clicked node. How can

how to access neo4j apoc uuid as a string?

I am trying to use apoc.create.uuid() in nodejs for the first time. In the neo4j browser I can see that the result is a string like this: "a1d0d202-b585-4130-ba

How to find shortest paths to group of nodes

So let's say that I have a graph with two node types: Source and Destination and relation FEEDS_INTO. Where Source nodes can have realtion between each other an

Neo4j In Query with dynamic array

var arr = ["a","b","c","d"]; await`MATCH (x:Test WHERE IN ${arr}`) I use the neo4j database in nodeJs and I am writing queries but I am tak

Cypher: get all the relationships of node with a specific relationship

I'm trying to find all the relationships of the nodes which have one specific relationship. People can be connected to events which in turn are connected to chu

Graph Data Science Error (APOC Metadata Procedure Unavailable)

I have imported my data into my dbms and installed the plugins APOC ( and the Graf Data Science Library (1.4.1). When I open the playground i get the fo

Neomodel: unique_index not working on StringProperty()

I have a company node where the name should be unique: class Company(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(unique_index=True) participated = ArrayPrope

Adding New Relationships in Neo4j Database using apoc.periodic.iterate

I have a Neo4j database with two kinds of nodes - Authors and Articles. Some of the articles have more than one author. I am trying to create an undirected rela

Matching edge in Neo4j Cypher is really slow

I have a database with 500K nodes and 700K relationships. I created 500 additional relationships with a new typeDummyEdge with edge_id attributes from "1" to "5

Match One or the other condition

I'm trying to do something like this : Flow must have a relationship with : An Application OR A Partner My Flow must have one of these two relationships. I t

Neo4j cannot be started because the database files require upgrading and upgrades are disabled in the configuration

Getting the error "Neo4j cannot be started because the database files require upgrading and upgrades are disabled in the configuration. Please set 'dbms.allow_u

Convert datetime to timestamp in Neo4j

How to convert datetime in data loaded in Neo4j to timestamp? Example datetime format: 2020-04-07T12:39:38.027Z Please assist.