I use zsh, oh-my-zsh, neovim, alacritty, and zsh-vi-mode oh-my-zsh plugin. My EDITOR is set to /usr/local/bin/nvim -u /Users/aleksander/.config/nvim/init.lua Wh
This is my config init.vim : https://github.com/NeuralNine/config-files/blob/master/init.vim when i do :TerminalSplit bash i get the terminal in this process wh
I trying to build, yarn build but it shows me yarn run v1.22.17 error Couldn't find a package.json file in "/home/darth/.config/nvim/plug-config" info Visit htt
i have given all permission to user_profile however nvim is giving this error in powershell . $env:USERPROFILE.config\powershell\user_profile.ps1 Error:E212 can
I'm in the configuration neovim I added the configuration file in C:\Users\wupan\AppData\Local\nvim\init.lua require("lua.plugins") and C:\Users\wupan\AppData\
This question concerns telescope in vim. I can see any info as to the type of regex being used. With the following setting I can achieve to ignore node_modules
Say you have the following text foobar bar And you want the following as your desired output foobar foobar You could use the following regex s/\v(foo)@<!(b
i'm running neovim 0.5 with fzf-vim on windows 10 and can't seem to make preview to work. my init.vim per below: call plug#begin('~/AppData/Local/nvim/plugged')
I've checked mappings in Neovim but can't find any mapping to :W that would cause an 'undo all'. It's frustrating when I accidentally type :W instead of :w. Whe
I'm not sure if the title suites my question that well but I couldn't come up with a better one. As I'm running Arch Linux but develop software (in C++) which
My neovim(0.6.1) use nvim-lint manage pylint, use pylsp for completion. When edit a python file, use numpy, scipy etc, the code competion, hover, signature is s
I recently switched to Neovim and I tried to configure native LSP with Treesitter. I ran into some wrong highlighting with PHP combined with HTML. Everytime whe
i ran into a problem, when im using neovim (+ lspconfig with hie set up), i have diagnostics info inline, but sometime, i cant read the whole line: is there a
I'm trying to setup a GraphQL language server for use within NVIM for linting, through CoC (Conquer of Completion). I've installed the LSP from GraphQL here but
I recently was looking into nvim, and was Downloading the vim-airline-gruvbox-git from the AUR, which resulted in this error, even after multiple tries of unins
In nvim, using LSP, i want to be able to apply a 'fix all of the same type' similar to what can be done in VSCode (see picture). How would one go about adding t
I'm using neovim and Telescope as a finder (find_files, live_grep, file_browser), by default Telescope is ignoring hidden files and files included in .gitignore
enter image description here " Spawning language server with cmd: diagnostic-languageserver failed. The language server is either not installed, missing from PA
I know gf opens the file under cursor, and CTRL-w f opens the file under cursor in a new split window. I'm probably being greedy but, how do you open it in a ne
I know gf opens the file under cursor, and CTRL-w f opens the file under cursor in a new split window. I'm probably being greedy but, how do you open it in a ne