Category "nestjs"

How to fix 400 error bad request in socket io?

I have a frontend application(VUE JS) I have a backend (Nest JS) Vue JS app get data from backend via websockets using library When Vue J

using validation pipe in nestjs gives me an classTransformer.plainToclass is not a function error

i am using nestjs/graphql, and i made a dto for a graphql mutation where i used class-validator options like @IsString() and @IsBoolean(). for this i installed

Problem about dockerizing a NestJS app with Prisma and PostgreSQL

I am trying to build a NestJS app with Prisma and PostgreSQL. I want to use docker; however, I got an error when I sent the request to the backend. Here is my d

One to One chat using in Nestjs

Please let me know if the code I have written for one-to-one chat is correct? and how do I know that messages are emitting from the backend here I am assigning

NestJS Middleware Not Executed

The NestJS class or functional middleware doesn't run when connected from a Module. It is also not working for a single path, controller or for every path. Conn

NestJS - Combine multiple Guards and activate if one returns true

I've got one question. Is it possible to use multiple auth guards on a route (in my case basic and ldap auth). The route should be authenticated when one guard

how to validation use Joi in NestJs

address.controller.ts Whatever I write to the input console returns log error in validation.pipe.ts. import { JoiValidationPipe } from 'src/validation.pipe'; im

How to workraound this TypeORM error, "EntityRepository is deprecated , use Repository.extend function instead"?

However, I can't find any Repository.extend method in Repository class and there's nothing about it in the documentation. How to solve this? typeorm version: "^

NestJS setup TypeOrm connection with .env and @nestjs/config

I'm trying to find the most legal way to set up NestJS database using .env file. That is I want to use @nestjs/config package for importing .env variables and u

missing 'error' handler on this Redis client

It's really an odd issue I cannot detect, here's my adapter. import { IoAdapter } from '@nestjs/'; import { ServerOptions } from '';

Problems with RabbitMQ and NestJS. I can't publish a message with nestjs-rabbitmq and NestJS

I have NestJS 8.0.0 and I'm using @golevelup/nestjs-rabbitmq": "2.2.0. Basically I have handling messages working fine but I can't send any, I just get a "Canno

Object gotten from the NestFactory has all the internal dependencies as undefined - NestJS

I get an object from NestFactory and then I call a function. There is another class injected inside service class. All the dependencies inside the service are n

Nestjs GraphQL subscriptions onConnect & onDisconnect callbacks

Is there an approach to hook into the onConnect and onDisconnect lifecycle-events in Nestjs?

NestJS microservices error with "No matching message handler"

I'm building an application with microservices communicating through RabbitMQ (request-response pattern). Everything works fine but still I have a problem with

NestJS gRPC Unimplemented Streaming Server Method

I'm trying to build microservice with NestJS and gRPC. It has two services, the first one is the gRPC service, and the second one is the REST service that call

NestJS - [TypeOrmModule] Unable to connect to the database. Retrying ER_PARSE_ERROR

Cannot able to connect database with correct connection info, followed documentation to connect database from Databa

nestjs event-based messaging with 1 producer and 2 consumers

With nestjs microservices, you can send messages and receive the result using request/response-based approach. That is implemented with a combination of @Messag

NestJS controller not mapped

So I have an API that will be deployed in a docker container. This API has the authentications controller, simple and not something special. When I start up th

Can't define entity in controller's unit test

I want to write a unit test for a controller in NestJS which uses the service. Service uses an entity and typeorm to getting data from postgres. controller.spec

Jest test stuck on bitbucket pipelines without any error

We use Bitbucket pipelines in our CI for testing, Our application is NestJS with Typescript tested with Jest. We always got all tests running, however few days