Category "nestjs-swagger"

Is there a way to hide all the end-point in the controller.ts using a single decorator?

Currently, I am using @ApiExcludeEndpoint() ### on top of all methods to hide the end-point in the swagger-ui, like this: import { Controller, Get, Query,

How to fix CORS Error when using the Nest JS framework

I added cors package in the main.ts. but still it's throwing error. I don't understand why this error throwing can you pls explain how to properly handling cors

How to add summary and body manually in swagger nestjs

I am trying to add summary in my swagger documentation routes but I am not able to find the appropriate decorator for defining the summary. There are some rout

NestJs/swagger: Define ref schemas without DTO classes

I have an app where I define the API response schemas as plain javascript objects according to the open-api spec. Currently I am passing that to the ApiResponse