Category "netlogo"

Netlogo plot of breeds-own variable of multiple turtles

I'm busy trying to plot the number of children (turtle breed 1) treated by an organisation (turtle breed 2). The organisations have a turtles-own variable calle

Unable to generate multiple 'species' per breed in NetLogo

I'm new to NetLogo and I'm trying to create 2 sub-breeds (denoted by different shapes) within each breed for 2 breeds total (i.e. sharks and fishes). The chunks

Hide Road shapefile after create it's network in NetLogo

I would like to clear shape file in NetLogo world but i can not do this. network line (on road shape file) is created and match with road shape file. Now i shou

How to give property to agents Netlogo

I´m setting up some turtles randomly on the the map, then they have to change the color of the patches to show that they cultivated however some times the

How to visualize two (or more) subnetworks in Netlogo using circle layout

I would like to know if it could be possible to visualize two distinct subnetworks (e.g., made up by turtles white and another one made up by turtles orange) wi

Netlogo: update a list after each movement

I need help with the following problem. I have turtles located in 3 different zones A, B, C. They have some properties turtle-own[place-to-go] patch-own[n-of-em

Looping through patches that share a common properties in Netlogo

I would like to sum up one numeric properties (AT1) of patches that share the same ID and store the value for that ID (procedure simulation here-below). I start