I am using nodemcu esp8266 with LCD for the first time and I'm unable to make it work. It lights the background but it does not show any text. LCD Address: 0x27
I've built an automatic, self-filling water bowl for my dogs that's working perfectly with a water level controller and I'd like to now add some monitoring cap
I implemented a nodemcu 8266 as a api rest server with a temperature sensor (DHT22) in a Mac with macOS Monterey, when I read the temperature and humidity in a
I am trying to connect NodeMCU with unity for my university project. My nodemcu receives data (tested with a UDP test tool application). I will leave the code b
I have one error here that I don't know how to solve and didn't find a working solution on the Internet. I have a NodeMCU 12 E. and I want to transfer data from
Unable to connect NodeMCU with Firebase as console shows setting /number failed: each time No updation on firebase as well. or should I change the cloud se
I have the following error message occuring on the arduino IDE, Arduino: 1.8.15 (Windows 10), Board: "NodeMCU-32S, 40MHz, 921600, None" In file included fr
I am using Proteus and trying to upload my code to nodeMCU. I have never used Proteus before and don't how to upload my code( or if it will take a .hex file lik