Category "npm"

How to fix NPM EJSONParse with this package.json file?

when I try the command npm install I have this C:\Users\khaou>npm install npm ERR! code EJSONPARSE npm ERR! path C:\Users\khaou/package.json npm ERR! JSO

internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:883 throw err

I've ran into an issue running npm start (I've attached the screenshot of the error bellow) on my Angular project. When I run the project using ng serve, everyt

laravel 8 instalation error - npm run dev throws error

I am trying to install a fresh laravel 8 project. After downloading frontend scaffolding when I try to run npm run dev it gives me an error. This problem also h

Loading CSS bootstrap-4 theme for sweet-alert2

I use SweetAlert2 for my project. I use VueJS and vue-cli-service with webpack. As I wanted to use the boostrap-4 theme, I followed the instructions : npm i npm

How do I fix "the requested module does not provide an export named 'default'"?

I'm developing app using JS and Vue.js and get error on line: import Vue from 'vue' I'm getting this: Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/node_module

error network while installing create-react-app

i've tried many times when installing create react app but it always error connection, but my internet connection is really stable npx create-react-app my-app

Docker blocked on NPM install - Socket Timeout

I have a simple Dockerfile which is running node, this is the configuration: FROM node:latest WORKDIR /usr/src/auth-starter-server COPY ./ ./ RUN npm install

I can't import ChartsModule

I can't import ChartsModule in my app.module.ts in my angular 12 project. I tried to import it but it only shows NgChartsModule, because of it some functions of

'npm run watch' or 'dev' not working anymore in my computer (Laravel project), Error : '[webpack-cli] RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded'

I have been working on a website (using Laravel) recently, and since yesterday I have been working on JavaScript code (to implement Meilisearch). For this, I r

When i try to npm install or npm install <any-package>, i see "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'edgesOut')" and İ have package.json

When I try to npm install or npm install, I see "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'edgesOut')" and I have package.json I add screenshots, please help me,

migrating to yarn 3 + workspaces + nohoist

I'm migrating from yarn 1.xx to yarn 3 and I'm currently having a workspaces definition with nohoist configuration in my package.json: "workspaces": { "pa

Discord.client is not a constructor - discord.js

i made a discord bot and tried a beginner code i found on youtube, this is my code and my errors index.js // Require the necessary discord.js classes const Disc

NPM install not work and make lock-json file

Hi I'm trying to install npm to run a kit. my node version is: v12.18.3 my npm version is: 6.14.6 my folder is "test" and I'm installing npm with this command:

npm error | Error: Cannot find module '@emotion/styled'

I am having an issue running my Node project. This issue did not exist yesterday. I can't think of anything that has changed since other than an update my OS di

Getting : npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled

I have an old Nuxt.js package that was developed in Node 12 and I want to use it now with Node 16 (the latest stable) but when I try to install my packages by n

I can't install npm install --save react-tilt

C:\Users\JohnSam\Desktop\React\smartapp>npm install --save react-tilt npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree npm ERR! npm

Mocha testing Typescript source file: unable to import node modules

I have setup mocha to test typescript source files. I have successfully run a test on one file that only imported source files, but I'm seeing a failure running

npm ERR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT error while installing create-react-app

While attempting to install create-react-app I'm getting the below ERR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT error. Creating a new React app in E:\New folder\my-app. Installing packa

Npm not working (openSSL configuration error windows10x64)

I was getting this error whenever I try the npm command in powershell: **~ $ node -v v17.1.0 ~ $ npm -v OpenSSL configuration error: 74240000:error:80000003:sys

How do I fix an error thrown during NPM Install?

During directus-main install I get this error. \[2022-03-31 07:07:51\] Require stack: \[2022-03-31 07:07:51\] - /workspace/