I am trying to use datepicker within an remote component using module federation and am getting the attached error message. Troubleshooting steps tried Added @
I've nx monorepo having React TypeScript app. When I'm trying to use chrome in any of .ts file, VSCode is reporting a error saying Cannot find name 'chrome'. I'
Linting shows errors in terminal but won't highlight the code in VS Code. ESLint extension is installed. Running nx lint: yarn run v1.22.10 $ nx lint > nx r
I have two entities: User and Habit. A user can create multiple Habits, thus I use a OneToMany relation on the User (and ManyToOne on the Habit, respectively).
Has anyone been able to build / distribute react native apps on appcenter using a monorepo? I've tried lerna and nx but no luck with either.
I configured .eslintrc.json in Nx/nrwl monorepo for React project. When I add group to pattern attribute to no-restricted-import "rules": { "no-restricted-i
I have a node js project with nx workspace and my problem is that my routes for download and upload is with path for example const filePath = path.join(__dirnam
I am following the article describing setting up module federation: https://nx.dev/l/a/guides/setup-mfe-with-angular Starting with generating the workspace, add
I am following the article describing setting up module federation: https://nx.dev/l/a/guides/setup-mfe-with-angular Starting with generating the workspace, add