Category "object-detection-api"

Tensorflow image too small to display results properly

Is there a possible way for me to resize or change the way the results are being displayed for my object detection? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Change output for TFLite_Detection_PostProcess op

From Tensorflow Object Detection API, I have noticed that TFLite_Detection_PostProcess has cut off the original outputs from Tensorflow Object Detection model

Print class name from tensorflow object detection api

PLEASE NOTE: I have tried other solutions accross the web and didnt find the working result. I am detecting objects from live feed using tensorflow object detec

Tensorflow object detection "Use fn_output_signature instead" warning

I am following this tutorial to train my own models. I followed all the steps exactly

TensorFlow Object Detection API - How to train on COCO dataset and achieve same mAP as the reported one?

I'm trying to reproduce the officially reported mAP of EfficientDet D3 in the Object Detection API by training on COCO using a pretrained EfficientNet backbone.

how to run create coco tf record from code object detection API TF

It's a silly question but I've been struggling with it for way too long now.. I'm using the object detection API from tensorflow. when I run my script as below

How to import deep_sort module in google colab?

I try to import the deep_srort module in my colab. But it shows me the following: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mo

Changing input dimension of Model zoo's Mobilenet-SSD V2

I have used the pretrained ssd_mobilenet_v2_fpnlite_320x320_coco17_tpu-8 for real time object detection. The default input dimension is 320 x 320 for the model.

Mask rcnn is giving mAP less than 1% even though the training loss is less than 0.01

I am trying to train a mask rcnn model using the tensorflow object detection api. I am using custom dataset which is grey scale CT scan images of Lung of pati