Category "octave"

Gradient Descent for Linear Regression in One Variable(Octave)

Can anybody give a detailed explaination on how this piece of code works? h=(theta' * X')'; theta = theta -((1/m) * (h - y)' * X)' * alpha; *where X is the fea

how to install octave packages on google colab?

I need to run some matlab code on google colab that needs 'image' package. I tried pkg install -forge image but that through an error. please help!

In Octave, how to close the serial port after opening with the new "serialport" command syntax

The latest documentation for serial communication in Octave explains to use the "serialport" command to open the port instead of the deprecated "serial" command

Error while using mex file in Colab with Octave

I am trying to use MATLAB in Colab. MATLAB is run in Colab through Octave. I have to use the MR8fast() filter, which in turn uses anigauss.c. I could successful

Regarding incorporating piecewise function in ode using octave code

Differential equation where M_v is a piecewise function Differential equation where M_v is a piecewise function Piecewise function I have coded the different

Filling in plot animation (polar function)

I have a set of videos shown in an assignment. How is this animation created? I am trying to create something similar. Below is my attempt; it is only drawing

Octave - fskipl: invalid stream number

I've got the error message: "Invalid parameter list" from my function, which let Octave open a text file and read it to get input data for my work. function [m

Is Ternary operation valid in Octave?

Question is ternary operation valid as i am not able to find any document related to it online. And i also find out that ternary is not possible in MATLAB so an

Evaluating argument list element number 1

I have the following function: % function file: lagrange.m function Yint = lagrange( x, y, Xint ) n = length( x ); for i = 1 : n L(i) = 1;

Octave: How can I plot unknown length serial data using the instrument-control package?

I found this example which sorta works... but it's not perfect. For starters it plots 10 at once but that's an easy fix. Problem is that it does not dynamically

Irreducible polynomial in AES and GNU Octave

In the Rijndael AES proposal in section 2.1.2 they have chosen m(x) = x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1 and said it is an irreducible polynomial. This polynomial correspo

3D histogram with gnuplot or octave

I would like to draw a 3D histogram (with gnuplot or octave) in order to represent my data. lets say that I have a data file in the following form: 2 3 4 8

Octave crashes when printing a plot

Solution: As suggested by user Andy in the comments, an update to the newest version of Octave (at the moment: octave-4.0.1-rc4) fixed the problem and the plot