Category "opencv"

Opencv ellipse() bug?

cv.ellipse( img, center, axes, angle, startAngle, endAngle, color[, thickness[, lineType[, shift]]] ) The startAngle is the starting angle of the elliptic arc

CV2: "[ WARN:0] terminating async callback" when attempting to take a picture

I am trying to take a picture from the defualt carmera with python, to do this I am using openCV (import cv2 from python shell). However, when I attempt to disa

Segmentation fault (core dumped) in image pyramid construction

I am looking at the source code of orb-slam2. I see that the source code of feature extraction written by the author contains a piece of code for building an im

joining dotted line by interpolation in an image

I have this image as shown below. It is a binary mask I created this image using the below code. Basically I got the x_idx, y_idx for just those white pixels,

How do I Display Two Continous Data Stream into OpenCV.imshow()?

I have this project that combines two data from two different sensors, a TFLuna LiDAR and a Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2, for an Object Detection self driving

How do I perform row arithmetic in OpenCVSharp?

In c++ I can perform row arithmetic on a matrix: Mat pPrime = Mat::ones(Size(3, 3), CV_64F); pPrime.row(0) = pPrime.row(0) / pPrime.row(2); Is it possible t

increase opencv webcam speed

i need to capture a video with my webcam. I would like to use open cv for my usage. The skript you can find down under needs a bunch of time to start the captur

How to resize text for cv2.putText according to the image size in OpenCV, Python?

fontScale = 1 fontThickness = 1 # make sure font thickness is an integer, if not, the OpenCV functions that use this may crash fontThickness = int(fontThicknes

opencv4nodejs how to calculate the blur degree with variance of laplacian

I have a code: const cv = require('opencv4nodejs'); let text = ""; let image = cv.imread('./images/focused.jpg'); let gray = image.cvtColor(cv.COLOR

Loading & Saving Bitmap Images In OpenCV (OpenCV Version = 3.1.0)

My problem is simple at least as I see, or how I feel about it. I tried to load and write Bitmap images with OpenCV in C++ and got sucessed in it, my problem is

Unable to read image text with python tesseract and OpenCV

I am trying read text from this using Python with OpenCV. However, it is not able to read it. import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot

How to obtain path from ZipFile objects that could be passed into OpenCV?

I would like to pass the image file into OpenCV to create a NumPy array without unzipping it. My code looks like this: zip_file = r'D:\Folder\' w

What and where am I going wrong in this code for pytorch based object detection?

I am using Yolov5 for this project Here is my code import numpy as np import cv2 import torch import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn from models.experimental impo

How to send a cv::Mat to python over shared memory?

I have a c++ application that sends data through to a python function over shared memory. This works great using ctypes in Python such as doubles and floats. No

Opencv: Jetmap or colormap to grayscale, reverse applyColorMap()

To convert to colormap, I do import cv2 im = cv2.imread('test.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) im_color = cv2.applyColorMap(im, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) cv2.imwrite('color

How to get the OpenCV image from Python and use it in C++ in pybind11?

I'm trying to figure out how it is possible to receive an OpenCV image from a Python in C++. I'm trying to send a callback function, from C++ to my Python modul

Python save numpy array set_printoptions

I have an image which I've read in with cv2 and python. - I think I'm going to 'store' the image as a nparray in my db for later processing, easy retrieval etc.

how does copyTo in opencv c++ works?

I have gone through the below snippet and was wondering how copyTo() in opencv function work. // Make a copy Mat faceWithGlassesNaive1 = faceImage.clone();

Detect digit on a live video camera using OpenCV and TensorFlow

I tried the code provided below to detect digit in the video camera and put a contour around it then classify it using the H5 model but it's giving me bad resul

how to connect to rtsp camera from docker container?

I'm trying to get stream from IP camera with the help of openCV. Non-docker app runs fine on my PC, but i need to run it in a docker container. Here is my Docke