Category "openedge"

Connect to Progress database without knowing user and password

Setup: Progress 11.5 databases sitting on Linux (CentOS) server, with proenv available. I'm trying to connect to Progress database through proenv and sqlexp. I'

Why srt file size and program output file(.prn) size is different ? - PROGRESS 4GL

I have written a program which caused srn file size increased in tmp folder and at certain point of time I got SYSTEM ERROR: I/O due to out of disk space( The s

How to call a mvsc dll (C++ or Rust) from Progress Open Edge

I have a dll that i want to call from Progress code but I can't complete. I have tried with Visual Studio 2022, Windows C++ Dll and Rust Dll. Windows C++, Visua

Unable to connect to progress database using spring jpa

I am trying to add progress as a secondary DataSource to my application Here are the properties of the dataSource: spring.datasource2.jdbcUrl=jdbc:datadirect:op

Is it possible to change the path where srt file grow? - PROGRESS 4GL

I am getting below error where its actually giving out of disk. This is because of allocated space for srt file generation is not enough. so we decided to chang

SYSTEM ERROR: I/O error 0 in writeto, ret 2048, file 56(/mfgtmp/tmp/srtE5yybD), addr 77010944. (290) - PROGRESS 4GL

I am getting below error suddenly when my progress program was executed and running for more than 80 minutes. I think this is OS error and error 0 says its for

How to keep track of database changes

I'm working with Progress 11.6 appBuilder and procedure editor (and Data Dictionary). Regularly we are doing modifications at the customer's database, there are

Progress 4GL: Buffer handle attribute for all fields

I am fairly new to Progress and even newer to handles so apologies if I have missed anything obvious, I've looked online but am yet to find what I'm looking for