Category "oracle"

simplify sql query Oracle database

Task: Write a query that returns a list of houses from the TB_ELEKTROSTAL_2018 table. It is considered that all subscribers who have the same address belong to

Oracle, Parse JSON with > 4000K

I am trying to parse some JSON like this: SELECT cid, c_message FROM JSON_TABLE('{"cid":"30152","c_message":"....very long message...."}' FORMAT JSON,'$[*]'

Extracting date and time from oracle

I have a table in which there is a field last_update_date in which the date is displayed in short form like 25/02/2015.If I want to extract the date in long dat

Show/Hide Post Text Item Oracle APEX

I have a Post Text Item at the end of my text fields. When I click on it, it shows a PopUp, that retrieves a key to insert in one of my tables. It is possible

From keyword not found where expected error in oracle

Select firstname as name, time as asof, salary as bal into temp employee from people.person p where =1; Need to create a temporary table employee by inser

Why Vert.x blocks event loop thread when using Oracle Reactive Client

I try to user Vert.x Reactive Oracle Client version 4.2.6 to avoid blocking threads in event loop. I decided to test a really long query: GlobalScope.launch(ver

How do I execute clob in execute immediate

I have a table with one row and clob as column (whose size is 5239). This column contains a table script extracted with the help of dbms_metadata.get_ddl. Along

Need to know if SQL Oracle can output a certain hierarchical style

Needing to know if this is possible. I'm trying to get a hierarchical output looking like this: TITLE|CHART|FUND|ORGN|PROGRAM S |S |null|null| S |S

Getting error when trying to run SQL statement in a oracle function

create or replace function auditif return number as l_filter_count NUMBER; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'EXPLAIN PLAN FOR ' || SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_SQL')

Display SQL query data in grid vaadin

I would like to display the result of my SQL query in a grid vaadin I can get the data from my toto table But I can't display them in a grid How to do it? publi

File Attachment Management for Rails and Oracle Cloud - OCI Object storage

Looking for a RAILS solution for OCI Object Storage, we currently are using paperclip on AWS with S3. Paperclip is depreciated and Active storage has no documen

Multiple INSERT INTO statements not working in dbeaver

I am trying to insert data into a table and I have written multiple Insert Into statements but I am facing an issue which is quite strange. When I run whole scr

How to get the main ID of updated row and use it before DML in trigger

I'm blocked with the development of an Oracle trigger (11g). The goal of the trigger is to store some data in an audit trail table. One of the fields that is po

JPA @Version behavior when data is changed from unmanaged connection

Enabling @Version on table Customer when running the tests below @Test public void actionsTest1 () throws InterruptedException { CustomerState t = customerS

Oracle Apex 21 looking for sample data for customer sample app

I have started using and learning APEX 21.2. It seems in previous version there was a sample database application that included sample data when installed. In 2

NTILE only for values different from zero

I have a column with many zeros and I want to put only non-zero values into N groups of (approximately) equal sizes. All zero values should get group number 0.

PLSQL is not returning the expected pivot table in oracle apex release 20.2

I am working on building a classic report where I want to view the results in a table format. I am using the source as "Function Body Returning SQL Query" Lang

SQL developer, retriev one of the values last or first doesn't matter

I have table called generalledger_mgmt that contains many columns. I wrote query to perform some operations and select some of them as below. My problem is some

how to install oracle database express on mac m1

I want to Install Oracle Database Express on macbook m1 but it only supports linux and windows, I downloaded Sql developer but I m unable to download Oracle dat

Hikari connection pool with oracle on azure

We are using Hikari Connection pool to connect to Oracle on Azure. We tried increasing the timeout value to 12000000 after consecutive connection time out error