Category "oracle"


I try to reach a WebService provide by a secured site with a TLS 1.2 certificate encrypted that i exported and add in a wallet. First i try to reach the site wi

SQL error "ORA-01722: invalid number"

A very easy one for someone, The following insert is giving me the ORA-01722: invalid number why? INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES (1,'MALADY','Claire','27 S

how to save oracle SQL queries automatically when a query is executed?

I want to save SQL/PLSQL queries, which are being executed by a user. I use the below, and have to use append at the end of the statement as well as saving at

Is there an equivalent to concat_ws in oracle?

I have a ton of columns I am trying to aggregate together and most of them have NULL values. I want to separate values that do appear with a ';' but I cannot fi

Using REGEXP_Substr in db for more than one condition

Hi i'm using SQL Query in ORACLE db. How can i use the function REGEXP_SUBSTR (oracle SQL) to create a new column with name "VOIE" that contains just the type o

How to pass multiple values into one parameter in stored procedure (Oracle)

I have a parameter created for a stored procedure looking to allow user to pass in multiple inputs. create procedure sp1 (p1 in varchar2) as begin select proc

how to pass a java object to oracle stored procedure with following details

I have my ORACLE table with structure as desc extraction_log1 Name Null

How to convert timestamp with milliseconds to date in Oracle

I have MSSTAMP as "timestamp with milliseconds" in Oracle, format: 1483228800000. How can I cast that milliseconds timestamp into a date format "YYYY-MM", in or

Semicolon and Single Quote Issue in SQL Insert Statements

I am executing a SQL script which has spaces, semicolons, single-quotes, special characters etc. in of the column called prod_desc. I need to execute the script

How To Set Server Output On in DataGrip

How Can I "set server output" on in Jetbrains DataGrip IDE? I am able to do this in SQL Developer and run the SQL script successfully. The same script I try to

Function Based Index not improving query performance

I have created view and in this view i have added the below case statement which i need and for which i already create exactly the function based index. The vie

Spring PreparedStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL Invalid Column Type Oracle

I have migrated mysql database to oracle. When I used sql query with modification as with rownum as following, SELECT id, frameTypeId, ownerId, locationId FROM

How would I make Flutter connection with Oracle?

I want to make a simple web page using flutter as flutter for web, but I want to use Oracle as database in the backend. I know firebase will be more helpful, bu

Oracle appending string to a select statement

I have a column in a oracle table Lic_num char(7 byte) SELECT column1, 'ABC' + Lic_num FROM TABLE One I wanted ABC appended to all the rows that are returned

How to one data file upload into multiple table by sql loader in oracle 10g example

Create table emp (id varchar2(22), name varchar2(85),hire_date date,department_id varchar2(3)); create table emp_epfo as select id emp_id,name lname,hire_dat

SP2-0310: unable to open file .sql

I am calling batch file from my java program which in result execute some .sql files. the batch script is below: set part1= CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY REPORT

Dynamic Column Name for a Derived Column - ORACLE SQL

I'm trying to set a dynamic column name on my query using "select from dual". Is this possible? If not, kindly recommend alternatives for me to achieve this. I

PL/SQL print out ref cursor returned by a stored procedure

How can I fetch from a ref cursor that is returned from a stored procedure (OUT variable) and print the resulting rows to STDOUT in SQL*PLUS? ORACLE stored pro

PLS-00103 error for procedure

I have 2 servers (one for testing, one for production), both have the following Oracle packages (identical output on both of them for SELECT * FROM V$VERSION; :

Using ODP.NET OracleAQQueue.Listen on a Multiconsumer Queue

I have a client app that connects to an Oracle AQ multi-consumer queue. I want to use OracleAQQueue.Listen to listen for new messages on the queue. API docs s