Category "outlook-addin"

Office.js displayDialogAsync error when displayInIframe: false

I'm trying to display, in an outlook web add-in, a dialog from a taskpane using the displayDialogAsync function. At first, I used displayInIframe: true and ever

Outlook "Web Add-in" not appearing on Shared Mailbox, despite SupportsSharedFolders= True

we have this addin: This one on the store is working as expected. As we need to support sharedi

Microsoft Office 365 Outlook. How to Change Teams-Meeting Join link

I want to create an Outlook Meeting, which references on a Microsoft Teams Team-Channel Meeting. I am searching for a way to change the link behind the Button y

ADD-IN ERROR - This add-in cloud not be started. - CRITICAL

I have notice this error happens for ALL modern Outlook Office Add-ins. Searching the net I can also see that many other Modern Outlook Add-ins are having the

Trying to get SMTP Addresses from all AppointmentItem Recipients

I iterate all AppointmentItem.Recipients. For each and every Recipient I use the following utility method to retrieve the recipients "normal" SMTP email-adress:

How to search for the name of the UserProperty in Outlook.MailItems, not their value

BACKGROUND: Currently I am searching Outlook.MailItems where their UserProperty (here, "IsProcessed") is equal to its propertyValue (here, true or false). st

"Send file by email" from Acrobat Reader does NOT invokes Items.ItemAdd() event for "Sent Items" folder?

I have a VSTO addin with Outlook. I currently use the "Sent Items" Folder in my Items.ItemAdd() event to intercept the email to process and save it into a depos

Check if Outlook MAPIFolder is visible?

When I iterate through all Outlook folders (in a C# Add-In) I see folder names like: Yammer Root Sync Issues Subscriptions These folders are not visible in Out

This method can't be used with an inline response mail item

I have an Outlook add-in that monitors sent items and moves specific emails to a folder. I am not sure what have changed, but when I send an email, I get this e

How can I send an email with my outlook add-in

my friends and I are making an outlook add-in that can take the text from an email in the user's inbox and send it to our email address. the email part of this

How to get smtp address of current Outlook store

We have user with 3-4 shared email address in Outlook. I am developing add-in where it will extract the email address of selected store and will get it's contac

How can I add persistent data to a mail item so that it is not visible to the user

I have an Outlook add-in that collects data and processes it when the email is sent. Since the email may be saved and sent at a later date the data needs to be

How do you copy RTF attachments into a new mailitem?

I am working with C# Outlook Object Model (with a little bit of C++ extended MAPI for decoding TNEF for RTF mails) and am trying to find a way to get the attach

How can Outlook addin detect when an account is removed

I get accounts from Outlook like below. Outlook.NameSpace ns = null; Outlook.Accounts accounts = null; Outlook.Account account = null; string

Validate UserIdentityToken with Javascript

How do i use javascript to validate the token from Office.context.mailbox.getUserIdentityTokenAsync(). Are there any javascript libraries for this?

How to use multiple conditions in single DASL filter query in C#? (Syntax) (for advancedSearch() method)

screenshot 1: screenshot 2: BACKGROUND: Currently I am searching for a word in the subject of email in VSTO add-in. My syntax is: string filter = "urn:sc

How do I use IConnectionPoint to capture the "Forward As Attachment" event?

In this article, How to detect Outlook Events ..., Dmitry Streblechenko outlines how to subscribe to Outlook Events not listed in the TypeLibrary. Would these

How to Detect if Office 365 web addin is installed or not?

We have a desktop app with which we want to integrate Office 365 calendar. We will have our users provide their consent by authorising the app in office 365. I

Downloading Email body and attchments in .MSG format in Web Outlook

Is it possible to download email body and attachments in a file in .MSG format in Outlook Web? I am working on an Outlook 365 Web addin and I require to downl

How to get EntryID of removed OutlookItem?

I need to synchronize Outlook contacts to another service. I can subscribe to create, change, and delete events as follows: Outlook.MAPIFolder folderCo