Category "outlook"

How to access EmbeddedItem attachment in Outlook VBA

I am using Outlook 2010 and the QuickSteps only allow to create a Task from an email with the email body copied to the task body or with the email as attachment

Python Outlook headers

I got a script to extract Gmailheaders. There is a lot of information to extract. When I try to extract data from outlook it feels like im getting a small part.

C# -EWS - Setting custom properties on Exchange service for Outlook email

I would like to save a boolean property on an email. If user clicked on my addin button, i'd like to mark selected email as treated. Using UserProperties of Mai

How to get Microsoft Exchange email addresses other than the primary SMTP address using VBA

I'm attempting to pull contact information from an Outlook.ExchangeUser object using VBA in Excel. However, so far I've only been able to get the primary SMTP a

Identifying default outlook profile

I have managed to return all the profiles using this registry path:- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\xx.0\Outlook\Profiles\Outlook\9375CFF0413111d3B

Outlook interop code throws "message has been changed" error the second time when the code tries to save a mail item

First of all, this problem only happens on a few client machines and I can not replicate it on any of my test machines. So I have the following test code in LI

Exchange version from VSTO Add-In

Is there a simple way to retrieve the Exchange version from a VSTO Add-In. I noticed here that WMI might be an option. I would like to avoid powershell.

Best way to change the "From" address on an arriving email in Outlook's VBA script?

My overall goal is to change the "From" sender on an incoming email to something else. Specifically, I get chat logs from Zopim chat and they're all coming fro

How does Outlook know if an MSG file has been sent?

If you start writing an email in Outlook and drag it from Drafts to your desktop, Outlook will open it with the Send button available and all fields modifiable.

What is the VBA property for: Server folder contains x items?

I like to compare the amount of items in each folder on the Exchange server with the amount of items in my local Outlook file. In Outlook I can use the followi

Sending e-mail with Indy doesn't show attachment in Outlook

I have the following problem. I've created a Windows service that sends e-mail with .xls attachments. If I open the e-mail with Windows Live Mail or Web Mail, i

Outlook RecurrencePattern.Exceptions.Count NOT updated after occurrence modified or deleted

I'm seeing a situation where the RecurrencePattern.Exceptions object, at least the Count property in Outlook 2010, is not always being updated after an occurren

How to convert Outlook messages to text maintaining double-byte character set?

I have a code to convert outlook emails into text. Works great except for emails received with DBCS (double-byte character set) from CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korea

Automation error in global address list lookup

I'm trying to look up a person's email address using the Outlook global address list. Here is the VBA code I use to do it. 'Snip If firstName <>

How to refresh ActiveInspector?

I changed the sender data in the currently open mail. This is well done by the following code: Sub AktiveMailSetVonHotline() Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem

How to reference server inbox instead of offline inbox?

I want to iterate through my entire Outlook inbox, including messages stored on the MS Exchange Server. However, when I reference my Outlook inbox via: NameSp

Embed picture in outlook mail body excel vba

I am trying to embed a range from a worksheet as an image in outlook mail body. It's saving the picture correctly but I only see blank image in the outlook mail

how to find mail that was send by MailItem.Display()

I have following requirement : Allow the user to drag & drop an email from outlook to a datagrid Prepare a reply mail, and show it so the user can review a

Outlook Advanced Search on property GlobalAppointmentID

Alright so I'm needing some help here. I working with Outlook 2007 PIA (Outlook add-in) and using the advanced search. I'm trying to write a DASL filter for the

PropertyAccessor SchemaName (Outlook MailItem attachment)

I'm trying to generate Outlook HTML-Mail with embedded image from my C# application. I've found out that I have to attach the image and referencing it in the HT