Category "overloading"

confusion with cppyy for overloaded methods and error handling

I have a c++ class with several constructors: MyClass(const std::string& configfilename); MyClass(const MyClass& other); I have python bindings for thi

Why is an overloaded function with two arguments of type double called when passing a long long?

I wrote those two overloads: int func(int, int) { return 1; } int func(double, double) { return 2; } When I call them with the obvious two calling

Overload a lambda function

How to overload a simple local lambda function? SSE of original problem: #include <iostream> #include <map> void read() { static std::string

Ambiguous overload error when using conversion function

I am trying to understand overloading resolution in C++ through the books listed here. One such example that i wrote to clear my concepts whose output i am unab

Operator Overloading Test Failure

Build is successful, but the test case #2 keep failing. I don't know what to change or fix. The test program says that Test Case #2 operator <=() FAILED and

C# map a list of abstract class objects to derived class for method overloading

I am in a situation where I am iterating a List<Animal> and want a Handler class to handle each element according to its derived type. The way I'm doing i

How to overload == operator? [closed]

I'm using QT to design an app and I can't overload == for a class. Equals works perfectly but == doesn't work and I can't figure out why. Her

Having trouble creating overloaded constructor, instantiating an object

I'm new with Java and I'm having trouble going along with my teacher's video lectures (I'm taking an online class), and I'm having trouble with this assignment:

Overload equals of BigDecimal in Kotlin

In a Kotlin file I try to overload the equals method of the BigDecimal class. I have the following piece of code for that: fun BigDecimal.equals(n: Any?): Bool

Switching 2 methods parameter(different type) to use overloading

I'm a High school student, I studied a little bit of Java by myself. My teacher asked if you can write two methods with switched but same parameters. For exampl

Vuex modules with typescript

EDIT: Since vue conference Toronto (late 2021), Vue has officially switched over to Pinia for typescript support, instead of Vuex. They also acknowledge that Vu