How does owin middleware track change in cookie? I am using cookie authentication. After cookie is generated and attached to browser if I make any change in coo
I'm trying to use OpenId to authenticate against a dynamic authority URL. There is an unknown number of different {n-tenant} authority URL
I am trying to add OWIN JWT into webapi project using VS 2015. The reference shows Microsoft.Owin.Security.Jwt, Version= and Microsoft.IdentityModel.Toke
I got lot of below logs like below, any one knows the root cause about this? Does this related with below code: // Gets the client IP when hosted in IIS, where
I have an Owin app that uses Ws-Federation authentication with a SSO application (not ADFS). Whenever my Owin app receives a request, it authenticates the user
I try to get OpenID Connect running... A user of my Web API managed to get an Authorization Code of a OpenID Connect Provider. How am I supposed to pass this co
I need to integrate my ASP.NET Web API with Google and Facebook OAuth. I was following all the steps from
I have installed Microsoft Owin via nuget package manager console PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Owin Now i want to uninstall the Microsoft.Owin via nu