Category "paramiko"

Reading command output with Paramiko invoke_shell/send/recv never finishes

I am trying to use send/recv function in Paramiko. According to what I see, the line throws an exception of timeout Evaluating: did not f

connect to remote server with paramiko without asking for password

I'm using paramiko to write a python script that establishes an ssh connection with a remote-server. Since I use the same username and password every time I ini

"'Connection' object has no attribute '_sftp_live'" when pysftp connection fails

I'd like to catch nicely the error when "No hostkey for host *** is found" and give an appropriate message to the end user. I tried this: import pysftp, paramik

Force password authentication (ignore keys in .ssh folder) in Paramiko in Python

I'm trying to write a small Python program to check whether an SSH server allows a password authentication. Here is the current plan: import base64 import para

Copy file from remote dir to remote sub directory using paramiko

How to copy a file in a remote server /maindir/fil1.txt to a sub directory /maindir/subdir/file1.txt i have the sftp created using paramiko. But it always check

I have an issue with Netmiko Error reading SSH protocol banner

I wrote a code to go through an inventory list of Cisco devices and do some tasks. My problem is because the inventory list is huge, and no guarantee if the dev

Paramiko Error reading SSH protocol banner

I'm having issues handling this error: "Error reading SSH protocol banner" + str(e) paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner. this

asyncio and paramiko for concurrent ssh connectivity

I'm trying to speed up the Paramiko SSH connection to a couple of network devices. I want to use asyncio for that purpose, but I'm not sure if my implementation

How to get file location path from server but not copy it?

I have my NAS server located and i am able to get/upload files on it. Now i have suituation where i need to read .png files location from server and pass it on

Python paramiko get the terminal prompt

Is it possible to get the terminal prompt of a remote host via paramiko? This is the only thing I've found that works but its crazy b/c I need to have a sleep b

Bandwidth throttling using Paramiko

I’m using Paramiko and Python to upload files to my SFTP server. Is there a way to implement bandwidth throttling if my file is huge? def upload_files(loc

paramiko - slow sftp transfer speed compared with system rsync/sftp/scp

I have noticed that I can't get the same transfer speed when performing a get or put with paramiko's sftp. Across our gigabit network from our mac mini server

Paramiko SSH failing with "Server '...' not found in known_hosts" when run on web server

I am trying to use Paramiko to make an SSH communication between 2 servers on a private network. The client server is a web server and the host server is going

paramiko hangs on get after ownloading 20 MB of file

I am in need of python sftp client to download files from a sftp server. I started to use Paramiko. Small files in KB works well but however when I try to downl

aws sam build not able to build packages which require paramiko due to "Error: PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies"

I've been learning the ropes with AWS SAM and have successfully deployed a number of lambdas together with dependencies and other AWS services. However, I seem