We all know parquet is column-oriented so we can get only columns we desired and reduce IO. But what if the parquet file is stored in HDFS, should we download t
I would like to upload csv as parquet file to S3 bucket. Below is the code snippet. df = pd.read_csv('right_csv.csv') csv_buffer = BytesIO() df.to_parquet(csv_b
I am reading a third-party parquet file using parquetjs-lite const parquet = require("parquetjs-lite"); : reader = await parquet.ParquetReader.openFile(fileNam
My data is stored in s3 (parquet format) under different paths and I'm using spark.read.parquet(pathes:_*) in order to read all the paths into one dataframe. Un
So I have parquet files in S3 bucket and I want to load it using pyspark in python, but I'm getting some error, here's what I have tried so far. I'm using Juput
When I try to write the dataframe to s3 as parquet, I always get an error like below. In the s3 bucket, an empty folder is generated automatically every time, b
I have a pandas DataFrame containing a date column ("2022-02-02"). I write this table to parquet using pyarrow. df[col] = df[col].astype(str) df.to_parquet(loc)
I'm creating a parquet file from Java using org.apache.parquet.*. No issues with other data types, but when a binary value is written and I cat the parquet file
Designing storage architecture for Petabyte-scale geospatial data; starting from scratch. Creating a MinIo cluster to store the objects in S3 buckets. To store
Is it possible to use Pandas' DataFrame.to_parquet functionality to split writing into multiple files of some approximate desired size? I have a very large Data
I am trying to store a Python Pandas DataFrame as a Parquet file, but I am experiencing some issues. One of the columns of my Pandas DF contains dictionaries as
I have tried includeOpForFullLoad property for csv files while reading from oracle and writing in to s3. I wanted to use this property for parquet files. I can
I have a presto table that imports PARQUET files based on partitions from s3 as follows: create table hive.data.datadump ( tUnixEpoch varchar, tDateTi
We have parquet data saved on a server and I am trying to use SparkR sql() function in the following ways df <- sql("SELECT * FROM parquet.`<path to parq
What is the most efficient way to read only a subset of columns in spark from a parquet file that has many columns? Is using spark.read.format("parquet").load(
I wanted to convert a large .csv vile into .parquet format using pyspark. I am using python 3. I tried changing the codec used for compression, as suggested in
I have real-time time series sensor data. My primary goal is to keep the raw data. I should do this so that the cost of storage is minimal. My scenario like th
I am a newbie in pyspark, While trying to read parquet file through pyspark I get the below error. I have tried various things like reinstallation of jre and jd
I am trying to convert a .csv file to a .parquet file. The csv file (Temp.csv) has the following format 1,Jon,Doe,Denver I am using the following python
I have 20,000 ~1000-row dataframes, each of which has a name, in a 170GB pickle file at the moment. I'd like to write these to a file these so I can load them i