Category "parsing"

Transforming grammar for predictive parsing

Is the following grammar suitable for predictive parsing, or is their an algorithm to modify the grammar to make it suitable for predictive parsing? number = di

How are strings with multiple kinds of quotes interpreted in bash?

To give context, I'm trying to create a simple version of bash, and for that I need to mimic the way bash parses content with multiple sets of single and double

HTTP Post request method does not execute. How to use HttpClient?

I'm trying to make a post request using HttpClient. The expected json which I'm trying to post is stored in var result and looks like : { "ID": 142, "Statio

In Java, how do you deal with double quote inside of a CSV that you need to parse

here is what I want to do, This my spend.csv file : "Date","Description","Detail","Amount" "5/03/21","Cinema","Batman","7.90" "15/02/20","Groceries","Potatoes",

Print only non-blank lines in PowerShell

I have a text file with multiple lines. Many are blank, or so I am assuming from looking at the file contents. I would like to write/print only the lines that c

Firebaseapperror: failed to parse private key: error: invalid pem formatted message

I got this error firebaseapperror: failed to parse private key: error: invalid pem formatted message when I pushed my nodejs app to heroku. I had my environment

How to read exif metadata from jpg file using only python, without any library?

I am trying to extract exif metadata from jpg file but hit a wall in between. I am following this( ) but not sure if

Oracle, Parse JSON with > 4000K

I am trying to parse some JSON like this: SELECT cid, c_message FROM JSON_TABLE('{"cid":"30152","c_message":"....very long message...."}' FORMAT JSON,'$[*]'

Parse quoted-printable encoding content from .mht file

I am trying to get all the images from .mht file by using Nokogiri gem. But since the .mht file has quoted-printable encoding, all the images that I received, h

problem in reading products CSV file with pandas python

I have products CSV file and I am trying to read this file with pandas python but i get this error my code import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('D:\\work\\am

Importing PDB (Protein Data Bank) files directly into Unreal Engine 4

I am building a project that will use Unreal Engine 4 to display protein models. Currently I cannot find a way to directly import PDB (Protein Data Bank) files

Problems parsing XML/XLIFF with inline elements

I am trying to parse xliff (XML) variant from SDL Trados translation software, which contains translations, and the "sdlxliff" file I'm parsing looks like this

DMN, xml parsing, autogenerating tescase

A simple dmn model is created with one input and a decision for that . How to parse the xml of the dmn model using saxon and autogenerate testcase?

Find syntax error IN SQL query using python

I want to parse sql file using python code and find any syntatical error present in the file. Is there any way to do it?

Cannot deserialize value of type `java.lang.String` from Array value from mockmvc

public class ModelDTO implements Serializable { private Long id; private String datasetName; @JsonRawValue private String json; } Post API i

How to extract column names from SQL query using Python

I would like to extract the column names of a resulting table directly from the SQL statement: query = """ select sales.order_id as id, p.product_na

How to save JSON parsing values to an array in ArduinoJson

Arduino users, help pls! Hi guys! For example, I have a JSON document for parsing ArduinoJson: { "id": [ 1, 7, 32, 9656 ] } I need to save

How do I fetch and parse JSON data to Google Sheets Script?

EDIT*** Modified the question now that I have a proper source... I am trying to copy a communication log to Google Sheets and don't know enough about scripting

Map object not setting values after execution of function

I have a function below where the purpose is to parse multiple local csv files. For each parsed csv file, I then grab 1-5 random elements. Since the CSV parser

ValueError: Ran into a $end where it wasn't expected - RPLY Parsing

I'm trying to create a parser for a basic interpreted language. When I run my program I get the following error: ValueError: Ran into a $end where it wasn't exp