Category "passwords"

Check password for correctness with php crypt

I have this password in the database: $pbkdf2-sha256$25000$dsvza5WnPh0eldHhp59PiQ$1YUkXJIl6Ek5keGRauKIPmNiIQZEbqA.nD.bJrhtul0 plaintext password is: testtest H

swift Xcode Secure Text Entry Asterisk not show when Screen Mirroring / Recording

I have checked the Secure Text Entry and entered "pwdTextfield.isSecureTextEntry = true" as the code. Therefore, I can see the asterisk well inside password tex

How to generate Random Number-String(Alpha-Numeric) from String with given Key

So far i need to generate 6 length random key from given string I assume given string is always unique. With that i cant to plain so i need to encrypt into some

Django __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'user'

Im trying to build a password reset system using the default django libraries. The problem is after trying to enter the site which is for changing it (PasswordC

I want modify this code as when a user gives right name but wrong password code must run from enter password not from enter username again

while True: print("who is this?") name=input() if name!='shubh': continue print("hi its you shubh. type your password") password=i

How to add Multiple user acccount with check and SSH key using Bash script

Based on my requirement in my dev server, I have Created a Linux function that will create a dev user,(Take the user's first name and create a Linux user ) we h

MYSQL and Python: Add salt after the first two characters of the password

I am working in MYSQL and Python. I have a table that stores users login information and want to make this secure. How do I add the salt after the first two cha

connect to remote server with paramiko without asking for password

I'm using paramiko to write a python script that establishes an ssh connection with a remote-server. Since I use the same username and password every time I ini

Creating Azure VM by using VM admin password from Azure keyvault secret

I am using Azure Portal UI to create a Windows Virtual Machine in Azure. I created a secret adminpassin Azure keyvault that specifies the administrator password

CredentialProviderFactory - conf.getPassword from jceks file breaks if the password contains a $

I am trying to extract the password from jceks file in hdfs. import val conf = new org.apache.hadoo

Python throws "zipfile.BadZipFile: Bad CRC-32" ONLY when I pass "D" as password

I'm trying to create a Python script that tests passwords on password protected zip files. The only problem is that whenever I try to pass specifically "D" as t

Masking Password in VBA Excel Input Box

Could someone please help me to mask the password entered to the input box generated using the below code. I will be using Office 365 ProPlus. Option Explicit P

Java - ATM Banking login with 3 times try pin lock

I'm new to java programming. I'm trying to make a banking system log-in that locks the user after entering the wrong pin 3 times. I'm trying to merge 2 pieces o

Python password reset Pexpect script execution have no effects afterword's, it throws no errors during execution

import pexpect import pxssh import sys child1 = pexpect.spawn('su root -c "passwd mansingh"') print(child1.before) #creation of log file child1.logfile = open(

Target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\ResetsUserPasswords] is not instantiable

I am implementing the forgot password / password reset logic with Laravel 8 and Fortify for an SPA application. When the /reset-password is called and if the da

Powershell Creating Password Expiration Report

I am trying to create a password expiration report that runs once a week and I want to grab 7 days of it at a time. The current script that I have been creatin

Python's zipfile library can't extract password protected file

For some reason, Python's zipfile library cannot extract the files in this password-protected zipfile archive. Here is the code I used: import zipfile zip_file

Why does iOS Password Autofill not prompt to save password on keychain?

I am setting up iOS Autofill Password in my app, and I followed all the guidelines in this tutorial

Bitbucket: is there some user password other than Atlassian password?

I used bitbucket a lot in the past (mostly because of the private repos). Have not used it for a while and now I always get "fatal: Authentication failed" error

cant generate sign apk

I can't generate signed apk with android studio 2.1.3 after installing new windows 10. I have my password and I'm sure the password is correct but when I try to