I am receiving an HY093 (Parameter count mismatch) SQLSTATE on a query where I don't believe a mismatch exists. Below I have a complete PHP script to reproduce
hello Iam trying to make a project using php mvc and I used on it pdo wrapper package the main problem that when I use lastinsertid it always return 0 I know th
I created a form to capture user details including their passport, but when ever the user fill the form, it went blank without populating the database with the
i fight with same issue as described here: Slow connection PHP PDO Postgres but not MySQL here's the thing - PDO Postgresql connections seem to be really slow
I'm attempting to connect into a SQL Server DB I have hosted on my Linux VM. I'm running xampp on my development windows machine and the connection is coming fr
I am looking to get row count to check if same email is already in database or not. i have tried couple of mechanism but no success. when i run my query directl
I am new in PHP and when I am trying to connect my database with PHP it is showing error Uncaught PDOException: PDO::__construct(): php_network_getaddresse
I have problem with connectting my laravel project to SQL server database. I'am using xampp with PHP Version 8.1.1. I downloaded appropriate extensions for my p
I am working on a Laravel 5.7 based project in which Eloquent is used as an ORM. I need to execute a raw SQL statement on my database. Howev
I have a PDO prepared statement that I use on a single-image page where a user is going to be able to download that specific image. I currently have a counter t
I'm trying to extract a data from database, I'm using PDO to do it. I have the following PHP code without success: public function CheckIdentity($email, $passwo
So I recently decided to switch to PDO due to the mysqli prepared statement complexity and irregularities. This was my mysqli function to test
check this please $user_id = (int)$_GET['user_id']; $sql = 'DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id=:user_id'; $query = $db->prepare($sql);
I believe that I've successfully deployed my (very basic) site to fortrabbit, but as soon as I connect to SSH to run some commands (such as php artisan migrate
Trying to find another simple answer but only finding complicated examples. I'm trying to simply query a table, if there are results to display then loop throug
Migration error on Laravel 5.4 with php artisan make:auth [Illuminate\Database\QueryException]