Category "pdo"

PDO MYSQL HY093 (wrong number of parameters) issued incorrectly

I am receiving an HY093 (Parameter count mismatch) SQLSTATE on a query where I don't believe a mismatch exists. Below I have a complete PHP script to reproduce

pdo wrapper last id return 0

hello Iam trying to make a project using php mvc and I used on it pdo wrapper package the main problem that when I use lastinsertid it always return 0 I know th

What might the issue with this my code to upload image in my users form

I created a form to capture user details including their passport, but when ever the user fill the form, it went blank without populating the database with the

Old problem PHP still not resolved. PDO pgsql is slower than pg functions

i fight with same issue as described here: Slow connection PHP PDO Postgres but not MySQL here's the thing - PDO Postgresql connections seem to be really slow

XAMPP/SQLSRV: Unable to find Sqlsrv in PHPINFO(); - errors coming from connection

I'm attempting to connect into a SQL Server DB I have hosted on my Linux VM. I'm running xampp on my development windows machine and the connection is coming fr

Having issue with matching rows in the database using PDO

I am looking to get row count to check if same email is already in database or not. i have tried couple of mechanism but no success. when i run my query directl

PDOException: PDO::__construct(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: no such host known

I am new in PHP and when I am trying to connect my database with PHP it is showing error Uncaught PDOException: PDO::__construct(): php_network_getaddresse

PHP Startup: Can't load module 'ext\php_sqlsrv_81_ts.dll' - xampp

I have problem with connectting my laravel project to SQL server database. I'am using xampp with PHP Version 8.1.1. I downloaded appropriate extensions for my p

Is there a way to use the same parameter into multiple place in the same query with Eloquent? [duplicate]

I am working on a Laravel 5.7 based project in which Eloquent is used as an ORM. I need to execute a raw SQL statement on my database. Howev

Target Individual Form Instance/Counter Inside A PHP While Loop

I have a PDO prepared statement that I use on a single-image page where a user is going to be able to download that specific image. I currently have a counter t

Having trouble with PDO queries (Notice: Undefined index)

I'm trying to extract a data from database, I'm using PDO to do it. I have the following PHP code without success: public function CheckIdentity($email, $passwo

how to see if database exists with PDO [duplicate]

So I recently decided to switch to PDO due to the mysqli prepared statement complexity and irregularities. This was my mysqli function to test

PHP PDO using bindParam first argument without colon [duplicate]

check this please $user_id = (int)$_GET['user_id']; $sql = 'DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id=:user_id'; $query = $db->prepare($sql);

PDOException SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

I believe that I've successfully deployed my (very basic) site to fortrabbit, but as soon as I connect to SSH to run some commands (such as php artisan migrate

Check for PDO Results, If None Display Message, If Yes then Loop Through

Trying to find another simple answer but only finding complicated examples. I'm trying to simply query a table, if there are results to display then loop throug

Laravel Migration Error: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

Migration error on Laravel 5.4 with php artisan make:auth [Illuminate\Database\QueryException]