Category "performance-testing"

Wait for Page Load Complete in Neoload

I am new to Neoload. I am using Citrix a protocol in Neoload and I want to start my test only after the page has completely loaded. I am not able to find any in

Getting this error message while running Load Test in Azure "Keystore file not found, loading empty keystore"

I have uploaded .jmx script and CVS files in the test plan. And added an "Authorize Token" as parameter in the Environment Variables (as I don't want to give se

Getting this error message while running Load Test in Azure "Keystore file not found, loading empty keystore"

I have uploaded .jmx script and CVS files in the test plan. And added an "Authorize Token" as parameter in the Environment Variables (as I don't want to give se

JMETER Performance Testing - Dynamic Payload

While doing performance testing via JMETER, I encountered one usecase where the POST request call is taking the dynamic data from the website. So in that case w

Sending messages to durable queue using Rabbit perf test tool

How can I send messages to a durable queue using the Rabbit Perf Test tool? I am getting this following error: Caused by: com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalExc

Jmeter fails to open .jmx file created by Badboy

When i tried to open a jmx file in Jmeter created by Badboy, Jmeter throws this error: Here is the log file : 2019-12-14 12:21:36,712 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveServi

How to have Cypress go through every page on site to see if there are any console errors and if so, make it known to the user running the test

I want Cypress to go through every page to see on a website to see if there are any console errors and if so, make it known to the user running the test. (I'm t

Latency shown in JMETER is much less when I use faster internet connection & run my Test. Is it due to faster internet or some other factors too?

I created a test in JMETER Add > Sampler > HTTP Request = Get Server Name = No. of threads(users) = 1 Ramp-up period (seconds) = 1, Loo

Performance test vs Load test vs stress test

I am testing web application which has been built by REST api. I want to simulate my application performance test, load test and stress test. Now I would like t

KNN Accuracy of 100%?

I have used the following code for KNN jd <- jobdata head (jd) jd$ipermanency rate= as.integer(as.factor(jd$ipermanency rate)) jd$`permanency rate

Performance testing using JMeter for dynamic 365 ecommerce website using ultimate thread group. How to increase concurrent sessions?

I am doing performance testing using JMeter for a 365 dynamics ecommerce website. Script is written and its working fine for following flow: Homepage> catego

How to setup Concurrency Thread Group

I have following test plan to test concurrent user load test of a website - Configuration set as - Target Concurrency = 10 Ramp up Time = 1 Ramp up step co

Apache JMeter - HTTPS POST Request for Auth Token 404/400'

I'm trying to get apache JMeter to make an initial authentication call to generate a bearer token so that can be used in subsequent calls to do load testing. I'

Jmeter - All threads other than current thread wait

I am new to Jmeter and I have been struggling with my test plan. Test plan steps: Enters the site Creates multiple wish lists (like the wish list on amazon) I

Jmeter - All threads other than current thread wait

I am new to Jmeter and I have been struggling with my test plan. Test plan steps: Enters the site Creates multiple wish lists (like the wish list on amazon) I

Performance Testing in Mirth Connect Using JMeter

Mirth Connect is a software that is designed to handle a message flow and it has built-in support to handle HL7 messages in particular and therefore this softwa